Men-at-the-Bar/Foulkes, William Decimus Inglett

3827470Men-at-the-Bar — Foulkes, William Decimus InglettJoseph Foster

Foulkes, William Decimus Inglett, a member of the Western circuit, Law Journal reporter, joint editor of Lely and Foulkes' Licensing Acts and Judicature Acts, edited Smith's Action at Law, 12th edition, author of Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action, common law lecturer to Incorporated Law Society 1877, a student of the Middle Temple 13 Jan., 1868, called to the bar 6 June, 1871 (10th son of Rev. Peter Davy Foulkes, of Shebbear, Devon, dec.); born , .

25, Half Moon Street, W.; 1, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.