3325749Men-at-the-Bar — Greenwood, HarryJoseph Foster

Greenwood, Harry, LL.M., Pembroke Coll., Camb., 1884, M.A. 1877, late lieut. 42nd West York rifle volunteers, formerly reporter in Vice-Chancellor Hall's court, author of Manual of the Practice of Conveyancing, Recent Real Property Statutes, joint editor of Weekly Reporter and of Notanda, editor of Greenwood's Manual of Conveyancing, 7th edition, a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 May, 1871 (then aged 23), called to the bar 6 June, 1874 (eldest son of George Oates Greenwood, Esq., late of Moorhouse, Yorks); born 13 Nov., 1847; married 17 Sept., 1873, Minnie, youngest dau. of late Michael Merrall, Esq., of Law House, Haworth, Yorks.

The Limes, Highgate, N.; 4, New Sq., Lincoln's Inn, W.C.