Men-at-the-Bar/Herschell, Sir Farrer

3825254Men-at-the-Bar — Herschell, Sir FarrerJoseph Foster

Herschell, Sir Farrer, Knt., D.C.L., Q.C., solicitor-general since 1880, M.P. Durham city since June, 1874, recorder of Carlisle 1873-80, examiner in common law London Univ. 1872-6, vice-president (ex-officio) of Bar Committee since Jan., 1884, member (ex-officio) of the Council of Law Reporting, educated at Bonn Univ., B.A. (honours), Univ. Coll., London, 1857, fellow and member of senate 1883, hon. D.C.L. Durham Univ. 1882, a student of Lincoln's Inn 12 Jan., 1858 (aged 26), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1860, Q.C. 8 Feb., 1872, bencher 8 May, 1872 (eldest son of late Rev. Ridley Herschell); born , 1837; married , 1876, Agnes Adela, dau. of Edward Leigh Kindersley, Esq., of Clyffe, Dorsetshire, and has issue.

46, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.; 11, New Court, Carey Street, W.C; Windham, Athenaeum, Brooks', Devonshire, and National Liberal Clubs.