3828046Men-at-the-Bar — Huish, JohnJoseph Foster

Huish, John, capt. Derbyshire yeomanry cavalry, J.P. co. Derby, undergrad. Trin. Hall, Camb., went the Midland circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 21 Jan., 1856, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1858 (eldest son of late John Huish, Esq., of Nottingham); born 17 March, 1813; married 1st, 20 Sept., 1848, Alice, dau. of Titus Bourne, Esq., of Alford, co. Linc.; she died 10 May, 1854; he married 2ndly, 27 Aug., 1856, Jane Elizabeth, dau. of John Ray, Esq., of Manor Hall, co. Derby, and has issue.

Smalley Hall, Derby; Salisbury Club.