Men-at-the-Bar/Vaughan, Henry Halford

3318319Men-at-the-Bar — Vaughan, Henry HalfordJoseph Foster

Vaughan, Henry Halford, M.A., Oriel Coll., Oxon, 1837, B.A., Christ Church, Oxon, 1833, clerk of assize and arraigns and associate on the South Wales circuit since 1841, sometime regius professor of modern history Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 June, 1833 (then aged 21), called to the bar 8 May, 1838 (2nd son of Sir John Vaughan, baron of the Court of Exchequer and a justice of common pleas); born 27 Aug., 1811; married 21 Aug., 1856, Adeline Maria, dau. of John Jackson, M.D.; she died 14 April, 1881, leaving issue (see Foster's Baronetage, Halford).

Upton Castle, Pembroke; 6, Danes Inn, Strand, W.C.