Men-at-the-Bar/White, James Sewell

3766132Men-at-the-Bar — White, James SewellJoseph Foster

White, James Sewell, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1849, puisne judge Bombay 1876-82, clerk of the Crown 1862, remembrancer 1869-76, a student of the Inner Temple 13 June, 1848 (then aged 21), called to the bar 30 April, 1852 (3rd son of late Rev. J. Neville White, of Tivetshall, Norfolk); born , 1827; married 24 April, 1862, Emelyn Anna, eldest dau. of late John Stogdon, Esq., of Heavitree.

34, Cornwall Gardens, S.W.