Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Bradley, George Granville

926020Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Bradley, George GranvilleThompson Cooper

BRADLEY, The Very Rev. George Granville, D.D., Dean of Westminster, is one of the sons of the Rev. Charles Bradley, who was for many years vicar of Glasbury, in the county of Brecon, and some time incumbent of St. James's Episcopal Chapel at Clapham, Surrey. He was born in 1821, and educated under Dr. Arnold at Rugby, from which school he was elected to an open scholarship at University College, Oxford, where he was a favourite pupil of Dean Stanley, who at that time was tutor. He took his bachelor's degree in Easter Term, 1844, as a First Class in Classical honours, and in 1845 obtained the Chancellor's prize for a Latin essay, his subject being "The Equestrian Order in the Roman Republic." Having been elected to a Fellowship in 1846, he proceeded M.A. in 1847. Mr. Bradley was one of the assistant masters of Rugby School for some years, under Dr. Tait and his successor, Dr. Goulburn, and was elected in 1858 to the Headmastership of Marlborough College, on the preferment of his predecessor, Dr. Cotton, to the bishopric of Calcutta. Mr. Bradley was ordained deacon in 1858 by the Bishop of London, and priest in the same year by the Bishop of Salisbury. At Marlborough he was remarkable for his successful administration, his sound scholarship, and his constant effort to make the education of a great public school wide, large, and many-sided, so as to meet the increasing wants of the age. He gave the best possible scope at Marlborough to the study of modern languages and science, and his examination before the Public School Commissioners was suggestive of many important reforms and improvements, which are in the course of being carried into effect. In Dec. 1870, he was elected to the mastership of University College, Oxford, in the place of the late Dr. Plumptre. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the University of St. Andrew's, Feb. 25, 1873. He was appointed examining chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1874; was Select Preacher at Oxford, 1874–75; and held the post of honorary chaplain to the Queen, 1874–76. In Oct. 1880, he was nominated a member of the Oxford University Commission, in the place of Lord Selborne resigned. He obtained a canonry in Worcester Cathedral in Feb. 1881; and in August the same year he was appointed by the Crown to the Deanery of Westminster, in succession to the late Dean Stanley. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him at Oxford, Oct. 28, 1881. In 1882 he delivered at Edinburgh a series of lectures, afterwards published under the title of "Recollections of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley" (London, 1883). Dr. Bradley married, in 1849, Marian Jane, fifth daughter of the Rev. Benjamin Philpot, formerly rector of Great Cressingham, Norfolk, by whom he has a family.