Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Browne, Thomas Gore

939778Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Browne, Thomas GoreThompson Cooper

BROWNE, Sir Thomas Gore, K.C.M.G., son of Robert Browne, Esq., of Morton House, Bucks, and brother of the Bishop of Winchester, was born in 1807. Entering the army at sixteen, he served for many years with the 28th regiment, acted as aide-de-camp to Lord Nugent, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, and was for some time Colonial Secretary. In 1836 Major Gore Browne exchanged into the 41st regiment, and served during the occupation of Afghanistan. After the massacre of our troops at the Khyber pass, the 41st joined Gen. England, and advanced to the rescue of Gen. Nott and his troops. During that war, Major Browne held the command of the 41st, and also commanded the reserve at the disastrous battle of Hykulzie, and, by forming a square when the van of the army had been broken, was enabled to repulse the enemy, and cover the retreat. He held the command of his regiment at the battles of Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, and during the march through the Khyber pass, where he commanded the rear, and under Gen. M'Gaskell at the storming of the hill fort at Istaliff, the most daring action during the war. Major Gore Browne's gallantry and humanity were praised in the general's despatches, which were quoted in both Houses of Parliament, and for his services he obtained a lieutenant-colonelcy, and was made a C.B. On his return with his regiment from India he exchanged into the 21st, which he commanded until made Governor of St. Helena, in 1851. From St. Helena he went, in 1854, to New Zealand. On the breaking out of the Maori war, in the last year of his government, Colonel Gore Browne showed a vigour which was denounced by some persons, but which was essential in resisting the land league, and the Maori king movement. In 1861 Colonel Browne, having completed his term of office, was succeeded in the government of New Zealand by Sir George Grey, and he himself succeeded Sir Henry Young as Governor of Tasmania. He resigned the last-mentioned office in Jan., 1869, when he was created a Knight Commander of the Order of SS. Michael and George. Sir Thomas was appointed Governor of the Bermudas in July, 1870, and resigned that post in 1872.