2896385Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Caird, JohnThompson Cooper

CAIRD, The Rev. John, D.D., a popular and eloquent preacher of the Established Church of Scotland, was born in 1823, at Greenock, where his father was an engineer; studied at the University of Glasgow, and in 1844 was licensed as a preacher. In 1845 he was ordained minister of Newton-on-Ayr, and in the same year was removed to Lady Yester's Church, in Edinburgh, to which charge he was elected by the town-council. In 1850 he accepted the charge of the Established Church at Errol, in Perthshire, whence he removed to Glasgow in 1858. A sermon preached by him before the Queen, in the parish kirk of Crathie, has been published by command of the Queen, who appointed him one of Her Majesty's chaplains for Scotland. In Feb., 1873, he was appointed Principal of the University of Glasgow in the room of the late Dr. Barclay. Principal Caird has published a Volume of "Sermons," 1858; "The Universal Religion: a Lecture delivered in Westminster Abbey on the Day of Intercession for Missions, Nov. 30, 1874;" and "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion," 1880.