Menara-e-Noor/What is remembrance and what is contemplation?

There are five pillars of Islam, Kalima, Prayers, Fasting, Hajj and Zakat. Four are bound by time and must be performed at designated times, but one of these pillars of Islam, the Kalima is eternal.

The greatest form of remembrance is the Kalima Tayyib, (declaration of faith) In other words this declaration forms part of remembrance. In relation to remembrance the Holy Quran declares:

فاذا قضیتم الصلٰوۃ فاذ کرواللہ قیا ما و قعو داو علی جنوبکم ہ

Translation: When you have performed your prayers engage in the remembrance of Allah SWT whilst standing sitting and whilst tossing on your sides.

(Surah Nisaa-103)

There are twenty four letters in the Sacred Kalima Tayyib. Twelve of which are LAILLAH ILL ALLAH, whose quality is of heat, energy and might. The remaining twelve letters are MUHAMMAD DUR RASOOL ALLAH whose quality is of beauty and coolness. By engaging in the remembrance of this Kalima a person maintains his physical balance. It is like ' a medicine but for immediate effect like a vaccine it's concentration is "ALIF, LAM, LAM, HEY" this is prescribed form of remembrance for people who are the subject cf the laws of Shariah and it's place is in the Alam-e-Nasoot (Where Satans, jinn, and humans live together, the earth.). Remove the "ALIF" from Allah and "LILLAH" remains, this indicates and reveals the means and cause (of all actions), i.e. I am doing it for your sake, (for the sake of Allah SWT). It's (LILLAH) place is in Tariqat (the path) and the realm of Alam-e-Malkoot, (the realm of angels.) Remove the "LAM" from "LILLAH" and we are left with "LA HU", which indicates and points to the essence of the personal name of Allah SWT. It's place is in Haqiqat (truth) and it's realm is the Alam-e-Jabaroot, (the realm of Power). Remove the "LAM" from "LA HU" and we are left with the core of all "HU. This points towards the "Essence of God". It 's place is in Marifat (GNOSIS) and in the Alam-e-Lahoot (the realm of the Essence.). It is in the remembrance of "HU", that the seeker reaches the state of "Fana" (where the self perishes before the Essence of Allah SWT). In other words the perishing of the Nafs (self) and the perishing of sins. Many people are frightened of the remembrance "HU", as they believe that . "HU" has destructive qualities and they believe that it should be practised in isolated places. Indeed the remembrance of "HU", destroys the Nafs (self), There are some people who are dominated by the Nafs (self) and they therefore avoid and run away from the remembrance of "HU" like the crow flees from the arrow, As they are known as Muslims they cannot deny the existence of this form of remembrance, but they say "engage in silent internal remembrance but they oppose Dhikr-e-Jehar, open loud verbal remembrance. It should be noted that Dhikr-e-Jehar, loud verbal remembrance is the vehicle the means of achieving Dhikr-e-Qalb (Dhikr, remembrance by the heart.). This is the acceptance by word, verbal and endorsement by \ the Qulb, (hearts).

A reference from Hadith in relation to loud verbal remembrance declares:

ان فی ذکر جھر عشر فواءد الاول صفاء القلوب و تنبیہ الغافلین و صحتہ الابدان و محاربتہ با عذاء اللہ تعالیٰ واظھار الدین و نفی خواطر الشیطانیتہ النفسانیتہ والتو جہ الی اللہ تعالیٰ والاعرض عن غیر اللہ تعالیٰ رفع الحجاب بینہ و بین اللہ تعالیٰ (الوابل الغیب)


Loud remembrance has ten benefits:

1. Purification of the heart

2. A reminder against forgetfulness

3. Physical health

4. War against the enemies of Allah SWT

5. The propagation of religion

6. Remedies against Satan

7. Remedies against the Nafs (self)

8. Inclination towards Allah SWT.

9. Hatred towards that which does not relate to Allah SWT

10. The lifting of the veils between man and Allah SWT

Should a person have all seven Lataifs (S.B.'s) engaged in Zikar-e-Khafi is silent inner remembrance then by Zikar-e-Jehar all seven Lataifs will vibrate with sound in the seekers chest furthermore the remembrance will vibrate and be heard from every hair on the seekers body.


At the time of doing Zikar-e-Jehar (loud verbal remembrance) sit down on your leg with your hands on your knees and concentrate on your heart, whilst making striking motions with your heart (over the right and left side of your chest). The seeker if he is in and subject Shariah then he must focus and imagine the name Allah written on his heart and if he is in and subject to Tariqat (the path) then he must imagine the name Lillah written on his heart and focus his attention on the same. During remembrance one should concentrate on the remembrance and avoid thoughts relating to the world and it's contents. Concentrating, and focusing on his imagination and the remembrance. The seeker will arrive at his goal with speed. This type of remembrance cannot be maintained for a long period of times one becomes out of breath and the chest feels heated and the throat becomes dry also. Thereafter one should engage in Zikar-e-Khafi, silent inner remembrance just as the Prophet Muhammad instructed Hazrat Ali R.D.

غمض عینیک یا علی واسمع فی قلبک لا الہ اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

Translation: (O' Ali close your eyes and hear in your heart LA ILAHA ILLAL LA HO MUHAMMAD-UR- RASOOL ALLAH.

When you finish Zikar-e-Khafi, Silent remembrance, thereafter you must remain engaged in continuous silent inner remembrance whilst occupied in work, trade and even during turning on your bed. The Zikar-e-Jehar, loud verbal remembrance that is practised these days is undoubtedly objectionable and fruitless, as there are some groups who walk on the streets chanting and engaged in loud remembrance, whilst their eyes and thought are on passers by and those that look at them. It is this form of remembrance that has been forbidden, as there is no respect and no room for concentration and Muraqaba meditation, during this form of remembrance, the opponents are against all forms of loud remembrance. As the Holy Quran commands time after time with regard to prayers so does the Holy Quran command time after time in relation to Zikar remembrance. Should one be in and the subject of Shariah (Islamic Law), then he must do Zikar remembrance every day to the sum of five thousand times, other wise his prayers and supplication and D'ua, is flawed. As is declared in the Holy Quran:

Translation: Observe prayers in order to maintain my remembrance.

Just as ablution is required for prayer so too is remembrance a requirement for the fulfillment of prayers. Should one be a Alim-e-Shariah (Savant of Shariah), then he must have a daily remembrance to the sum of twenty five thousand only then is the elevated and "superior" over his congregation and followers. Should one be in Tariqat (on the path) or be a Dervish then he must engage in remembrance on a daily basis to the sum of seventy two thousand, otherwise he is only making a verbal claim to his status and position. It matters not whether this remembrance is Jehry (verbal, loud) or Qulbi, (by the heart S.B.) but it should be noted that inner Zikar-e-Qulb (by the heart) is superior to loud verbal remembrance, as long as the heart has opened for remembrance. Should the Qulb heart be engaged in silent inner remembrance and at the same time the tongue be engaged in loud remembrance, then this state is indeed a coating of Gold".

Allah SWT has ninety nine names, "ALLAH" is personal and the remaining are the names of his attributes. The prophet Jesus engaged in the remembrance of "YA QUDOOSO" The Prophet Solomon engaged in the remembrance of "YA WAHABO", Prophet David engaged in the remembrance "YA WADOODO", and the Prophet Moses in the remembrance "YA RAHMANO". All of the above are the names of Allah SWT's attributes. The light that was produced by the continuous remembrance of these attributive names which entered into each prophet was the "attributive light". The prophets they desired to see, visualize during their lifetime the essence of God then they were unable to endure the personal light and illumination of Allah SWT.

This personal name bestowed upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad it is for this reason that where Moses fell unconscious the Prophet Muhammad are smiling. Due to the grace of the Prophet Muhammad the personal name "ALLAH" was given to the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad It is then that the Prophet Muhammad declared in the HADITH "The Prophets of Bani Israel will envy the Saints of my Ummah".

It is due to the personal name of Allah SWT that this Ummah has been granted elevation and superiority and the light of the this personal name of Allah SWT will be the feature by which this Ummah will be identified. This is the personal name of Allah SWT for which the prophets longed and sought to be amongst the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad regrettably the Ummah has deprived itself of the personal name.

All other names can be achieved by personal effort but the personal name "ALLAH" is only conferred by Allah SWT. This can never be achieved by personal effort, a perfect and complete spiritual guide is a necessity for this purpose. Some people attempt to mark the personal name on their hearts: They either do not endure its illumination and become madmen or go into a state of Ruj'at (spiritual suspense) or they do not benefit in any way from the personal name they become doubtful and lose faith in it. If losing faith in the personal name "ALLAH" is not infidelity then what is it?

Without doubt the personal name is Majestic and contains heat energy but it is divine law that nothing bears fruit without first being treated with heat. When something is about to be burnt to a cinder then Allah SWT showers his mercy in the form of rain, as a result of which it becomes abundantly nourishing. The "showers of His Mercy" in relation to remembrance is '" MUHAMMAD-UR-RASOOL ALLAH. This God given remembrance can be attained in two ways: The first during the lifetime of a "KAAMIL-E-HA'YAT" (a complete and perfect spiritual guide) and secondly from the grave of a " KAAMIL-E-MAMAT" (a complete and perfect spiritual guide). The second way is known as the "OWAISIYA" order just as Hazrat Ba Yazeed Bostami R.H. received spiritual benevolence from Imam Jafar Sadiq R.H., as they were born after the departure of Imam Sahib. R.H. Hazrat Abu Bakr Hawari R.H. received spiritual" benevolence from Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.D. When Hazrat Abu Bakr Hawari established the "HAW ARIA ORDER". There is a gap of a few hundred years between Hazrat Abu Bakr SiddiqueR.D. and Hazrat Abu Bakr Hawari R.H. Sakhi Sultan Baku Sahib R.H. received and took the "BA'YAT" (oath of allegiance) from the Prophet Muhammad (in the "BATIN" spiritually,) and Sultan Sahib has stated in their book "NOOR ALHUDA".

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ولد خود خوانندہ است مارا مجتبٰے
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