(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)

abode: 34 (II. vi. 21)

abridg'd: 5 (I. i. 127)

accomplished: 63 (III. iv. 61)

accordingly: 19 (II. i., S. d.)

account: 54 (III. ii. 158)

act: 68 (IV. i. 19)

address'd me: 41 (II. ix. 19)

advice: 84 (IV. ii. 6)

advis'd: 20 (II. i. 42)

advisedly: 94 (V. i. 253)

Æson: 85 (V. i. 14)

affection: 69 (IV. i. 50)

affections: 1 (I. i. 16)

again: 56 (III. ii. 204)

Alcides: 20 (II. i. 35)

all as: 36 (II. vii. 8)

amity and life: 50 (III. ii. 30)

an: 9 (I. ii. 50)

angel: 37 (II. vii. 56)

answer: 68 (IV. i. 3)

appropriation: 9 (I. ii. 45)

approve: 51 (III. ii. 79)

argosies: 1 (I. i. 9)

Argus: 93 (V. i. 230)

as (such as): 52 (III. ii. 109)

assume: 42 (II. ix. 51)

attempt: 82 (IV. i. 422)

attended: 89 (V. i. 103)

attentive: 87 (V. i. 70)

attribute: 74 (IV. i. 191)

balance: 77 (IV. i. 255)

ban'd: 69 (IV. i. 46)

bate: 70 (IV. i. 72)

bated: 61 (III. iii. 32)

bechanc'd: 2 (I. i. 38)

beholding: 16 (I. iii. 106)

beshrew: 35 (II. vi. 52)

besmear: 93 (V. i. 219)

Black-Monday: 32 (II. v. 25)

break up: 29 (II. iv. 10)

breathing courtesy: 90 (V. i. 141)

budge: 21 (II. ii. 20)

by (concerning): 9 (I. ii. 57)

by (for): 41 (II. ix. 26)

cater-cousins: 25 (II. ii 143)

cerecloth: 37 (II. vii. 51)

ceremony: 92 (V. i. 206)

chaff and ruin: 42 (II. ix. 48)

charge (noun): 77 (IV. i. 258)

charge (verb): 95 (V. i. 298)

cheer: 58 (III. ii. 313)

cheer'st: 67 (III. v. 76)

civil doctor: 92 (V. i. 210)

close: 35 (II. vi. 47)

colt: 9 (I. ii. 43)

comes to hazard: 41 (II. ix. 18)

commodity: 61 (III. iii. 97)

complexion: 45 (III. i. 32)

compromis'd: 15 (I. iii. 79)

conceit: 4 (I. i. 92); 61 (III. iv. 2)

condition: 12 (I. ii. 141)

conduct: 73 (IV. i. 148)

confound: 58 (III. ii. 977)

constant: 57 (III. ii. 248)

constitution: 57 (III. ii. 247)

contain: 92 (V. i. 201)

continent: 53 (III. ii. 130)

contrive: 80 (IV. i. 353)

convenient: 63 (III. iv. 56)

conveniently: 40 (II. viii. 45)

cope: 82 (IV. i. 413)

could not do withal: 64 (III. iv. 72)

County Palatine: 9 (I. ii. 48)

cousin: 63 (III. iv. 50)

cover: 42 (II. ix. 44); 66 (III. v. 57)

cozen: 42 (II. ix. 38)

cream and mantle: 4 (I. i. 89)

crisped: 52 (III. ii. 92)

cureless: 73 (IV. i. 142)

current: 70 (IV. i. 64)

curtsy: 1 (I. i. 13)

customary bounty: 62 (III. iv. 9)

danger: 69 (IV. i. 38); 74 (IV. i. 180)

Daniel: 75 (IV. i. 223)

Dardanian: 51 (III. ii. 58)

deface: 59 (III. ii. 300)

defy the matter: 67 (III. v. 76)

degrees: 42 (II. ix. 41)

deny: 61 (III. iii. 26); 62 (III. iv. 33)

deriv’d: 42 (II. ix. 42)

difference: 74 (IV. i. 171)

disabling: 37 (II. vii. 30)

discover: 36 (II. vii. 1)

discovery: 34 (II. vi. 43)

doit: 17 (I. iii. 141)

double: 94 (V. i. 245)

doublet: 10 (I. ii. 79)

dram: 68 (IV. i. 6)

draw: 71 (IV. i. 87)

drive: 80 (IV. i. 373)

due and forfeit: 69 (IV. i. 37)

eanlings: 15 (I. iii. 80)

eke: 50 (III. ii. 23)

election: 40 (II. ix. 3)

embraced heaviness: 40 (II. viii. 52)

Endymion: 89 (V. i. 109)

enforce: 62 (III. iv. 9)

envious: 58 (III. ii. 283)

equal: 17 (I. iii. 150)

Erebus: 88 (V. i. 87)

estate: 57 (III. ii. 237)

estates: 42 (II. ix. 41)

estimation: 36 (II. vii. 26); 79 (IV. i. 332)

excess: 15 (I. iii. 63)

exchange: 34 (II. vi. 35)

excrement: 52 (III. ii. 87)

exhibit: 29 (II. iii. 10)

expect: 87 (V. i. 49)

eye: 6 (I. i. 138)

faithless: 30 (II. iv. 38)

fall: 15 (I. iii. 89)

fancy: 51 (III. ii. 63)

fashion: 68 (IV. i. 18)

fear: 50 (III. ii. 29); 64 (III. v. 3); 96 (V. i. 306)

fear’d: 19 (II. i. 9)

fearful: 18 (I. iii. 176)

fee: 48 (III. i. 134)

flight: 6 (I. i. 142)

flourish: 50 (III. ii. 49)

fond: 41 (II. ix. 27)

fool-gudgeon: 4 (I. i. 102)

foppery: 32 (II. v. 35)

for (bound for): 13 (I. iii. 21)

for the heavens: 21 (II. ii. 12)

force: 82 (IV. i. 422)

force and road: 41 (II. ix. 30)

formerly: 80 (IV. i. 363)

forth: 6 (I. i. 144); 32 (II. v. 37)

freedom: 58 (III. ii. 279)

from me: 55 (III. ii. 192)

frutify: 25 (II. ii. 147)

fulsome: 15 (I. iii. 87)

gaberdine: 16 (I. iii. 113)

gag'd: 5 (I. i. 131)

'gainst all other voice: 80 (IV. i. 357)

gaoler: 60 (III. iii. 1)

gaping pig: 69 (IV. i. 47)

garnish: 35 (II. vi. 45)

gear: 5 (I. i. 110)

go about: 42 (II. ix. 37)

God bless the mark: 21 (II. ii. 24)

gramercy: 25 (II. ii. 131)

gratify: 82 (IV. i. 407)

grav'd: 37 (II. vii. 36)

gross: 14 (I. iii. 56)

grow to: 21 (II. ii. 18)

guarded: 26 (II. ii. 170)

guiled: 52 (III. ii. 97)

habit: 27 (II. ii. 205)

happy: 54 (III. ii. 161)

hie thee: 27 (II. ii. 188)

high-day: 44 (II. ix. 98)

high-top: 2 (I. i. 28)

his (its): 52 (III. ii. 82)

hit: 58 (III. ii. 268)

honourable: 42 (II. ix. 38)

hood: 28 (II. ii. 208)

hovel-post: 23 (II. ii. 74)

huddled: 69 (IV. i. 28)

humility: 47 (III. i. 74)

humours: 67 (III. v. 69)

husbandry and manage: 62 (III. iv. 25)

Hyrcanian: 37 (II. vii. 41)

imagin'd speed: 63 (III. iv. 52)

imposition: 11 (I. ii. 112)

impugn: 74 (IV. i. 179)

incarnation: 22 (II. ii. 28)

inexecrable: 72 (IV. i. 128)

innocence: 6 (I. i. 146)

insculp'd upon: 37 (II. vii. 57)

inter'gatories: 95 (V. i. 298)

intermission: 55 (III. ii. 200)

I wis: 43 (II. ix. 68)

Janus: 3 (I. i. 50)

Jewess' eye: 32 (II. v. 43)

jump: 42 (II. ix. 32)

just: 79 (IV. i. 328)

kept: 61 (III. iii. 19)

kind: 15 (I. iii. 86)

knapped: 45 (III. i. 10)

leave: 91 (V. i. 172)

level: 9 (I. ii. 41)

liberal: 27 (II. ii. 200)

Lichas: 20 (II. i. 32)

likely: 44 (II. ix. 92)

living: 95 (V. i. 286)

loose: 69 (IV. i. 24)

losing: 70 (IV. i. 62)

love: 77 (IV. i. 278)

low simplicity: 14 (I. iii. 44)

magnificoes: 58 (III. ii. 281)

martlet: 41 (II. ix. 28)

masters: 91 (V. i. 174)

mean it: 67 (III. v. 83)

merchandise: 49 (III. i. 137)

mere: 58 (III. ii. 263)

Midas: 52 (III. ii. 102)

mind of love: 40 (II. viii. 42)

mistrust: 50 (III. ii. 28)

moe: 5 (I. i. 108)

moiety: 69 (IV. i. 26)

mortifying: 4 (I. i. 82)

narrow seas: 44 (III. i. 4)

naughty: 60 (III. iii. 9)

Nazarite: 14 (I. iii. 35)

neat's: 5 (I. i. 112)

neither: 65 (III. v. 8)

Nestor: 3 (I. i. 56)

nice: 19 (II. i. 14)

note: 54 (III. ii. 140)

nothing undervalu'd: 7 (I. i. 166)

obliged: 33 (II. vi. 7)

o'erlook'd: 49 (III. ii. 15)

of my trust: 7 (I. i. 186)

offence: 70 (IV. i. 68)

old: 84 (IV. ii. 15)

only: 55 (III. ii. 177)

opinion: 4 (I. i. 91)

or: 6 (I. i. 151)

ostent: 28 (II. ii. 211)

ostents: 40 (II. viii. 44)

other: 3 (I. i. 54)

out of doubt: 1 (I. i. 21)

overpeer: 1 (I. i. 12)

pageants: 1 (I. i. 11)

parts: 71 (IV. i. 92)

passion: 39 (II. viii. 12)

patch: 32 (II. v. 46)

patines: 87 (V. i. 59)

pawn'd: 67 (III. v. 88)

peise: 50 (III. ii. 22)

penthouse: 33 (II. vi. 1)

phill-horse: 24 (II. ii. 103)

poesy: 90 (V. i. 148)

port: 58 (III. ii. 282)

possess'd: 15 (I. iii. 65)

preferment: 26 (II. ii. 161)

preferr'd: 26 (II. ii. 161)

presence: 51 (III. ii. 54)

presently: 7 (I. i. 184)

prest: 6 (I. i. 161)

prevented: 3 (I. i. 61)

privy coffer: 80 (IV. i. 355)

process: 77 (IV. i. 275)

proclamation: 83 (IV. i. 437)

profit: 32 (II. v. 47)

proper: 10 (I. ii. 76)

publish his commendation: 73 (IV. i. 165)

pursue: 78 (IV. i. 299)

quaintly: 29 (II. iv. 6)

qualify: 68 (IV. i. 7)

quarrelling with occasion: 66 (III. v. 61)

question (noun): 6 (I. i. 157)

question (verb): 70 (IV. i. 70)

quiring: 87 (V. i. 62)

rack'd: 7 (I. i. 182)

rank me: 42 (II. ix. 33)

rate: 5 (I. i. 128)

reason'd: 39 (II. viii. 27)

reasons: 5 (I. i. 116)

regreets: 44 (II. ix. 89)

remorse: 68 (IV. i. 20)

rend: 31 (II. v. 5)

renew: 85 (V. i. 14)

repent: 77 (IV. i. 279)

respect: 88 (V. i. 99)

respect upon the world: 4 (I. i. 74)

respective: 91 (V. i. 156)

reverend estimation: 73 (IV. i. 162)

Rialto: 13 (I. iii. 20)

rib: 37 (II. vii. 51)

richly left: 6 (I. i. 162)

ripe: 15 (I. iii. 64)

rival place: 7 (I. i. 175)

road: 95 (V. i. 288)

round hose: 10 (I. ii. 79)

rule: 74 (IV. i. 178)

sad: 4 (I. i. 79)

sand-blind: 22 (II. ii. 37)

satisfied at full: 95 (V. i. 296)

saving your reverence: 21 (II. ii. 26)

scanted: 19 (II. i. 17)

scarfed: 33 (II. vi. 15)

scrubbed: 91 (V. i. 162)

scruple: 79 (IV. i. 331)

Scylla . . . Charybdis: 65 (III. v. 17)

sealed under: 10 (I. ii. 88)

season'd: 71 (IV. i. 97); 89 (V. i. 107)

seasons: 75 (IV. i. 197)

seated in the mean: 8 (I. ii. 8)

seed of honour: 42 (II. ix. 47)

self: 6 (I. i. 149)

sensible: 40 (II. viii. 48); 44 (II. ix. 89)

sentences: 8 (I. ii. 11)

set up my rest: 24 (II. ii. 113)

shadow'd: 19 (II. i. 2)

shame and courtesy: 93 (V. i. 217)

shrewd: 57 (III. ii. 244)

shrine: 37 (II. vii. 40)

Sibylla: 11 (I. ii. 114)

signify: 87 (V. i. 51)

simple: 52 (III. ii. 81)

simple coming-in: 26 (II. ii. 178)

single: 17 (I. iii. 146)

slubber: 40 (II. viii. 39)

smack: 21 (II. ii. 18)

sola: 86 (V. i. 39)

Solyman: 20 (II. i. 26)

sometimes: 7 (I. i. 164)

sonties: 22 (II. ii. 47)

sooth: 1 (I. i. 1)

Sophy: 20 (II. i. 25)

sort (noun): 11 (I. ii. Ill)

sort (verb): 90 (V. i. 132)

speak me fair: 77 (IV. i. 276)

spend: 6 (I.i. 154)

spet: 17 (I. iii. 127)

spoke us of: 29 (II. iv. 5)

squandered: 13 (I. iii. 22)

standing: 4 (I. i. 89)

stay on: 76 (IV. i. 242)

stead: 13 (I. iii. 7)

still: 1 (I. i. 17)

strain'd: 74 (IV. i. 184)

studied: 28 (II. ii. 211)

substance: 79 (IV. i. 329)

suited: 10 (I. ii. 78); 67 (III. v. 71)

supposition: 13 (I. iii. 17)

swelling port: 5 (I. i. 125)

table: 26 (II. ii. 174)

taste: 28 (II. iii. 3)

tell: 24 (II. ii. 116)

term in gross: 54 (III. ii. 159)

thorough: 59 (III. ii. 303)

thought (anxiety): 2 (I. i. 36)

thrift: 7 (I. i. 176)

throstle: 10 (I. ii. 64)

throughfares: 37 (II. vii. 42)

throughly: 74 (IV. i. 173)

time: 5 (I. i. 130)

to (to the advantage of): 75 (IV. i. 215)

to-night: 31 (II. v. 18)

trade and profit: 61 (III. iii. 30)

tranect: 63 (III. iv. 53)

truth: 75 (IV. i. 214)

tucket: 89 (V. i. 121, S. d.)

tyranny and rage: 68 (IV. i. 13)

undervalu'd: 7 (I. i. 166); 37 (II. vii. 53)

unfurnish'd: 53 (III. ii. 126)

untread: 33 (II. vi. 10)

upon my power: 71 (IV. i. 104)

upon the hip: 14 (I. iii. 47)

usance: 14 (I. iii. 46)

use: 77 (IV. i. 269)

vailing: 2 (I. i. 28)

vantage: 55 (III. ii. 175)

varnish'd faces: 32 (II. v. 33)

Venus' pigeons: 33 (II. vi. 5)

very: 56 (III. ii. 224)

via: 21 (II. ii. 11)

void your rheum: 16 (I. iii. 118)

waft: 85 (V. i. 11)

wealth: 94 (V. i. 249)

wealthy: 2 (I. i. 27)

weeping philosopher: 9 (I. ii. 52)

well: 93 (V. i. 229)

well to live: 22 (II. ii. 55)

what (why): 90 (V. i. 151)

which (who) : 77 (IV. i. 284)

willow: 85 (V. i. 10)

wit: 19 (II. i. 18)

with an even hand: 36 (II. vii. 25)

with thy heels: 21 (II. ii. 10)

withal (with): 45 (III. i. 30)

withal (therewith): 36 (II. vii. 12)

woollen bagpipe: 70 (IV. i. 56)

wracked: 44 (III. i. 3)

wrest: 75 (IV. i. 215)

wry-neck'd: 32 (II. v. 30)

younker: 33 (II. vi. 14)