Aktiv docking unit. See docking systems: Aktiv
Almaz (see also military space stations)
hardware adaptation to Salyut 69, 71
history 63-65
missions 177-178
in station evolution 1, 62, 154-156
system tests 70
Almaz 1 64, 65, 68, 177
Almaz 1V satellite 65
Almaz 2 64, 65, 68, 73, 177, 178
Almaz 3 64, 73, 178
Almaz 4 64
Altair/SR satellites
description 105
illustration 106
missions 108, 109, 113, 115, 118, 121, 133, 139
androgynous peripheral assembly system (APAS). See
docking systems: APAS-75; APAS-89
Antares mission 136
APAS. See docking systems: APAS-75; APAS-89
Apollo program (U.S.) (see also Apollo Soyuz Test Project)
command and service module (CSM) 5, 6, 16, 172,
173, 176, 177
illustration 176
lunar module (LM) 19, 21, 172
illustration 175
missions 172, 173, 175-178
Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) (see also ASTP Soyuz)
background 6, 65
mission 28, 34-35, 177-178
and Soyuz 18 72
approach systems. See Igla system; Kurs system
April 5 anomaly 27, 72, 178
Aragatz mission 116, 117
Argon 16B computer 41, 49, 106, 120, 123, 164
ASTP mission. See Apollo Soyuz Test Project: mission
ASTP Soyuz 6-7, 33-35, 72, 177-178
astronomical instruments 55, 163 (see also telescopes)
ASPG-M platform 164-165
astrophysical instruments 67, 72, 90, 111, 112, 119,
cosmic ray detectors 88, 131
gamma ray detector 163
Roentgen Observatory 112, 115, 163
star sensors 72, 121, 163
attitude control systems (see also orientation systems)
on DOS-3 68
on Kristall 125-126, 167
on Kvant 120, 162-163
attitude control systems (continued)
on Kvant 2 165
on Mir 106, 119, 123, 131, 137
on Original Soyuz 157, 168-
on Salyut 1 67
on Salyut 6 75, 79, 81, 84-
on Salyut 7 91, 100, 185
on Soyuz 1 10
on Soyuz Ferry 24-25
on Soyuz-T 47, 50
on space station modules 155
on TKS vehicles 159
on Zond 4 14
berthing ports 76, 103, 105,165
BTSVK computer 47
Buran shuttle
crews 51, 54, 98
flights 115, 188, 193
hardware adapted to Polyus 168
illustration 189
and Mir 107, 167
and Salyut 7 161
circumlunar flight 3, 4, 5, 12, 63, 155, 173, 175 (see
also lunar programs)
Cosmos 133 10, 171
Cosmos 140 10, 172
Cosmos 146 14, 172
Cosmos 154 14, 172
Cosmos 186 10-11, 172
Cosmos 188 10-11, 172
Cosmos 212 10, 172
Cosmos 213 11, 172
Cosmos 238 11, 172
Cosmos 379 21, 175
Cosmos 398 21, 175
Cosmos 434 21-22, 176
Cosmos 496 26, 176
Cosmos 557 64, 68, 177
Cosmos 573 26, 177
Cosmos 613 26, 177
Cosmos 638 33-34, 177
Cosmos 672 33-34, 177
Cosmos 782 37
Cosmos 997-998 159
Cosmos 1001 48, 179
Cosmos 1100-1101 159