3266920Miss Cayley's Adventures — AdvertisementsGrant Allen

New Fiction

Agatha Webb.

By Anna Katharine Green, author of "The Leavenworth Case," "That Affair Next Door," etc. 12°, cloth, $1 25

"Agatha Webb" is the most absorbing story that has appeared during the past few years. It is deemed by those acquainted with Anna Katharine Green's works to be the most notable achievement of her pen. The scene of the story is laid in a staid New England village, not far from Boston. Agatha Webb and her servant are found dead. The task of unravelling the mystery begins at once, and the narrative is woven together with such consummate skill that the guilt points in turn to a number of persons. The author builds up the most astonishing case of circumstantial evidence against each of them in turn, only later to upset the reader's fine-spun theories. The solution of the mystery, which is revealed in an intensely dramatic court scene, is the most astonishing feature of the book. In addition to the attraction of the mystery, there is a fascinating love-story.

Children of the Mist.

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"One of the most creditable novels of the year ... a thorough mature piece of Work."-N. Y. Tribune.

Miss Cayley's Adventures.

By Grant Allen, author of "Flowers and Their Pedigrees," etc. With 80 illustrations. 2d edition, 12°. $1 50

"One of the MOST DELIGHTFULLY JOLLY, ENTERTAINING, and FASCINATING works that has ever come from Grant Allen's pen."—New York World.

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"Perfectly delightful from start to finish . . . bubbles with wit and humor. . . Miss Cayley's adventures are simply bewitching"—Seattle Intelligencer.

Lone Pine.

The Story of a Lost Mine. By R. B. Townshend. 12°, $1.25

"A rattling good story of the Southwest. The tale is well built, and ends with an exciting battle—Buffalo Express.

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G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London.

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Published bi-monthly. Entered as second-class matter. 16°, paper, 50 cents. Published also in cloth.

  • 1. Love and Shawl-straps. By Annette Lucille Noble.
  • 2. Miss Hurd: An Enigma. By Anna Katharine Green.
  • 3. How Thankful Was Bewitched. By Jas. K. Hosmer.
  • 4. A Woman of Impulse. By Justin Huntley McCarthy.
  • 5. The Countess Bettina. By Clinton Ross.
  • 6. Her Majesty. By Elizabeth K. Tompkins.
  • 7. God Forsaken. By Frederic Breton.
  • 8. An Island Princess. By Theodore Gift.
  • 9. Elizabeth's Pretenders. By Hamilton Alde.
  • 10. At Tuxter's. By G. B. Buroin.
  • 11. Cherryfield Hall. By F. H. Balfour.
  • 13. The Crime of the Century. By R. Ottolengui.
  • 13. The Things that Matter. By Francis Gribble.
  • 14. The Heart of Life. By W. H. Mallock.
  • 15. The Broken Ring. By Elizabeth K. Tompkins.
  • 16. The Strange Schemes of Randolph Mason. By Melville D. Post.
  • 17. That Affair Next Door. By Anna Katharine Green.
  • 18. In the Crucible. By Grace Denio Litchfield.
  • 19. Eyes Like the Sea. By Maurus Jokai.
  • 20. An Uncrowned King. By S. C. Grier.
  • 21. The Professor's Dilemma. By A. I.. Noble.
  • 22. The Ways of Life. By Mrs. Oliphant.
  • 23. The Man of the Family. By Christian Reid.
  • 24. Margot. By Sidney Pickering.
  • 25. The Fall of the Sparrow. By M. C. Balfour.
  • 26. Elementary Jane. By Richard Pryce.
  • 27. The Man of Last Resort. By Melville D. Post.
  • 28. Stephen Whapshare. By Emma Brooke.
  • 29. Lost Man's Lane. By Anna Katharine Green.
  • 30. Wheat in the Ear. By Alien.
  • 31. As Having Nothing. By Hester Caldwell Oakley.
  • 33. The Chase of an Heiress. By Christian Reid.
  • 33. Final Proof. By Rodrigues Ottolengui.
  • 34. The Wheel of God. By George Egerton.
  • 35. John Marmaduke. By S. H. Church.
  • 36. Hannah Thurston. By Bayard Taylor.
  • 37. Yale Yarns. By J. S. Wood.
  • 38. The Untold Half. By Alien.
  • 39. Rosalba. By Olive P. Rayner.
  • 40. Dr. Berkeley's Discovery. By R. Slbb and C. A. Pratt.

G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London.

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  • The Leavenworth Case. A Lawyer's Story. 4°, paper, 20 cents; 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • Behind Closed Doors. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1 00
  • The Sword of Damocles. A Story of New York Life. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth. $1 00
  • Cynthia Wakeham's Money. With Frontispiece. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth . . . $1 00
  • Hand and Ring. 16°, paper, illustrated, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • A Strange Disappearance. 16°, paper, 50 cents cloth $1 00
  • The Mill Mystery. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1 00
  • The Old Stone House, and Other Stories. 16°, paper, 40 cents; cloth 75 cents
  • X. Y. Z. A Detective Story. 16°, paper 25 cents
  • 7 to 12. A Detective Story. Square 16°, paper, 25 cents
  • X. Y. Z. and 7 to 12, together, 16°, cloth. $1 00
  • Marked "Personal." 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1 00
  • Miss Hurd: An Enigma. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • The Doctor, His Wife, and the Clock. Oblong 32°, limp cloth 50 cents
  • Dr. Izard. With Frontispiece. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • That Affair Next Door. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1 00
  • Lost Man's Lane. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1 00
  • Agatha Webb. 16°, [cloth, only] $1 00

G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London

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  • An Artist In Crime. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • A Conflict of Evidence. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • A Modern Wizard. 16', paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • See Hudson Library for "The Crime of the Century," and "Final Proof," by the same author.


  • Ships that Pass in the Night. Authorized American Edition. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • In Varying Moods. Copyright American Edition. 16°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00


  • Uncle Jack's Executors. 16° paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • Eunice Lathrop, Spinster. 16°, paper, 5c cents; cloth $1 00
  • See Hudson Library for "Love and Shawlstraps," and "The Professor's Dilemma," by the same author."

  • Harvard Stories. Sketches of the Undergraduate. By W. K. Post. 12°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • The Final War. An Historical Romance of the Near Future. By Louis Tracy. With 16 full-page illustrations. 16°, paper, 75 cents. Large 12°, cloth $1 50
  • The Story of Margredel. Being a Fireside History of a Fifeshire Family. By David Storrar Meldrum. Copyright American Edition. 12°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 00
  • Tent Life in Siberia, and Adventures among the Koraks and Other Tribes in Kamtchatka and Northern Asia. By George Kennan. 12th edition. 12°, paper, 50 cents; cloth $1 25
  • The Great Fur Land, or Sketches of Life in the Hudson Bay Territory. By H. M. Robinson, 5 edition. Illustrated. 16°, paper 50 cents
  • A Lady's Life In the Rocky Mountains. By Isabella Bird Bishop. Illustrated. 16°, paper, 50 cents , 8°, cloth $1 75
  • Studies of Paris. By Edmundo de Amicis, author of "Constantinople," etc. Translated by W. W. Cady. 16°, paper, 50 cents; 8', cloth $1 25

G P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London