local p = require('Module:UnitTests')
local Work = require('Module:Work')

local TESTDATA = {
	EskimoLife1893 = {
		source = 'Q110304643',
		id = 'Q110304643',
		workType = Work.TYPES.EDITION,
		wsPage = 'Eskimo Life',
		title = 'Eskimo Life',
		year = '1893',
		authorIds = {
			'Q72292' -- Fridtjof Nansen
	WarPrisoners = {
		source = 'War Prisoners (Darrow)',
		id = 'Q19053527',
		wsPage = 'War Prisoners (Darrow)',
		workType = Work.TYPES.EDITION,
		title = 'War Prisoners',
		year = '1919',
		authorIds = {
			'Q449791' -- Clarence Darrow
	Possession = {
		source = 'Possession (Roche)',
		id = 'Q107511838',
		wsPage = 'Possession (Roche)',
		workType = Work.TYPES.WORK,
		title = 'Possession',
		year = '1923', -- fron inception
		authorIds = {
			'Q2742392' -- Mazo de Roche
	LemnaMinorAdie = {
		source = 'Q42350565',
		id = 'Q42350565',
		wsPage = nil,
		workType = Work.TYPES.ARTICLE,
		title = 'Lemna Minor as a Preventive against Mosquitoes',
		year = '1904',
		authorIds = {
			'Q107507136' -- Joseph Rosamond Adie
		parentWorkId = 'Q26842241',
		volume = '39',
		issue = '6',
		pages = '207-208'

function p:do_test_case( name )
	mw.logObject( name )
	local data = TESTDATA[ name ]
	local w = Work.newWork( data.source )
	-- check the item is loaded correctly
	self:equals('ID', w.item.id, data.id )
	-- Check we detect the type correctly
	self:equals('Type', w.type, data.workType )
	-- check sitelink
	self:equals('WS Page', w.wsPage, data.wsPage )
	-- check bibliographic metadata
	if data.title then
		self:equals('Title', w.title, data.title )
	if data.parentWorkId then
		self:equals('Published in', w.parentWork.item.id, data.parentWorkId )
	if data.year then
		self:equals('Year', w.pubYear, data.year )
	-- just check the IDs, the actual handling of Creators is delegated to the Creator module
	for i, authorId in pairs( data.authorIds ) do
		self:equals('Author ' .. i, w.author[ i ].item.id, authorId )

function p:test_edition_from_id()
	self:do_test_case( 'EskimoLife1893' )

function p:test_edition_from_pagename()
	self:do_test_case( 'WarPrisoners' )

function p:test_work_from_pagename()
	self:do_test_case( 'Possession' )

function p:test_scientific_article()
	self:do_test_case( 'LemnaMinorAdie' )

return p