Module:Work data/properties

This is a data table of common Wikidata properties and items for general
bibliographic content.

Add to this IF NEEDED, but not pro-actively.
return {
	props = {
		isA = 'P31',
		title = 'P1476',
		pubDate = 'P577',
		author = 'P50',
		translator = 'P655',
		editor = 'P98',
		illustrator = 'P110',
		volume = 'P478',
		issue = 'P433',
		pages = 'P304',
		publishedIn = 'P1433',
		inception = 'P571',
		copyrightStatus = 'P6216'
	items = {
		-- nearly all WD works should be one of these
		edition = 'Q3331189',