Moral tales/The Country Laſs and her Milk-Pail

Moral tales (1795–1804)
The Country Laſs and her Milk-Pail
3245598Moral tales — The Country Laſs and her Milk-Pail1795-1804

The Country Laſs and her Milk Pail.

IT happen'd on a ſummer's day,
A country laſs, as freſh as May,
Clad in a wholeſome ruffet gown,
Was going to the market town;
So blythe her looks, ſo ſimply clean,
You'd take her for a May-day queen;
Save ſtead of garland, ſays the tale,
Her head bore Brindy's loaded pail.
As on her way ſhe paſs'd along,
She humm'd the fragments of a ſong;
She did not ham for want of thought,
Quite pleas'd with what to ſale ſhe brought,
And reckon'd, by her own account,
When all was ſold the whole amount.
Thus, ſhe, in time, this little ware,
Will turn to great account with care ;
My milk being ſold for-ſo and ſo,
I'll buy ſome eggs as market go,
And ſet them-at the time I fix,
Theſe eggs will bring as many chicks.
I'll ſpare no pains to feed them well,
They'll bring vaſt profit when they ſell ;
With this I'll buy a little pig,
And when 'tis grown up fat and big,
I'll ſell it to my neighbour Howe,
And with the money buy a cow.
This cow will ſurely have a calf,
And there's the profit, half and half ;
Beſides, there's butter, milk, and cheese
To keep the market when I pleaſe,
All which I'll ſell and buy a farm,
Then ſhall of ſweethearts have a swarm.
Oh ! then for ribbons, gloves, and rings,
Ay ! more than twenty pretty things.
One brings me this, another that,
And I ſhall have--I scarce know what.
Fir'd with the thought, she gave a bound,
And down came milk-pail on the ground ;
Eggs, fowls, pig, hog, (ah, well a-day !)
Cow, calf, and farm-all ſwam away.

Be warn'd by this, ye British fair,
And build no caſtles in the air.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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