Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/A/1400
A1400—A1499. Acquisition of culture.
A1400. Acquisition of human culture.
A541. Culture hero teaches arts and crafts.
A1401. Culture originated by previous race of men. N. A. Indian: Kroeber JAFL XXI 226 s.v. "Departed race."
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B212.0.1. All kinds of animals understand language of heaven. V249.2.2. Hebrew, the language of the angels.
A1484. Origin of reading and writing. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1484.1. Origin of ogam inscriptions. Irish myth: Cross.
A465.3.1.1. God of eloquence and learning as inventor of ogam alphabet. A541.1. Culture hero invents and teaches the Irish language. D1266.1.1. Magic ogam writing.
A1484.2. Origin of alphabet. Jewish: Neuman.
A1485. How people learned about calculating time and the seasons. Chinese: Graham.
A1487. Origin of sciences. Jewish: Neuman.
A1487.1. Origin of astronomy. Jewish: Neuman.
A1487.1.1. Origin of astrology. Jewish: Neuman.
A1487.2. Origin of medical books. Jewish: *Neuman.
A1438. Origin of medicine.
A1490. Acquisition of culture — miscellaneous.
A1491. Origin of art of walking on stilts. Marquesas: Handy 114.
A1495. Origin of outdoor games.
A1495.1. Origin of ball game. Mangaia (Cook Island): Beckwith myth. 336.