NORAD/DRM1 DAT2 Channel 2 MCC Op

DRM1 DAT2 Channel 2 MCC Op (2001)
131063DRM1 DAT2 Channel 2 MCC Op2001

This document contains the voice transcripts for the NORAD Northeast Air Defense Sector control center recordings from September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

This tape is for the channel "DRM1 DAT2 Channel 2 MCC Op":

0h 00min to 0h 10min


0h 00min :

Electronic Voice : "30 minutes 30 seconds... 12 hours 30 minutes 35 seconds... 12 hours 30 minutes 40 seconds..."

0h 07min : NORAD : "Major (unintelligible) You're needed in Op's pronto... Major (unintelligible) You're needed in Op's pronto... (unintelligible) Ok, go ahead"

- "I'm getting reports from (unintelligible) that there might be a possible hijack."
- "I'm just getting the same thing, we're working it right now"


- Caller : "Hi, ?Hot Press? calling in reference to the hijacked aircraft, We're checking to get some information from you, if I could"
- NORAD : "Ok what do you need?"
- Caller : "We need call sign for that aircraft..."
- NORAD : "American 11"
- Caller : "American 11"
- (unintelligible)
- NORAD : "1 -- 9 -- 0"
- Caller : "1 -- 9 -- 0"
- NORAD : "387 Knots"
- Caller : "387 Knots"
- NORAD : "The last known altitude was flight level 2-9-0 but we cannot confirm that"
- Caller : "2-9-0. Do you have time to give me any other input, verifying information on it?"
- NORAD : "Ah, you want the type and stuff, what do you mean?"
- Caller : "Yeah, Like passengers on board... where it came from..."
- NORAD : "767. 200 series. No idea how many people on board right now. They came from Boston, they're supposed to be going to LA. And they're headed south. They're going the wrong way, obviously."
- Caller : "Ok. Ok. Thank you very much."
- NORAD : "Where are they comming... who are you going to send, do you know?"
- Caller : "Ah... that determination hasn't been made yet... let me, if you could just hold on a moment... we're going to get, ah... We've got some co-ordination going on right now. I think they said they are going to put [w:Otis Air National Guard Base|OTIS] on battle stations. That's why I would anticipate the aircraft to be... going to JFK they would be our closest asset."
- NORAD : "Ok. let me give you my commercial number"



1h 05min :

- "They need to know if they are on a training mission..."
- "No... We sent the ones on the training mission home"

1h 34min :

- "That looks like a small aircraft did that, I mean small"

1h 36min :

- "United 93 has a bomb on board"

1h 45min :

- "It exploded", "Yep, it exploded"

2h 02min :

- "You need to read this... We can shoot down tracks if they do not respond... That's from the vice-president, right?" 

2h 35min :

- "Washington center just called. Langley refuses to launch any jets."

3h 09min :

- "The World Trade Center collapsed"
- "I know"
- "What happened at the Pentagon?"
- "A small plane crashed next to the heliport"

3h 19min :

- Caller: "We're having a tough time getting hold of you guys. Can you call us back in about a half hour?"
- NORAD: "I'll try sir, we're having problems with our phones as well"

3h 27min :

- NORAD: "They've turned off all the god-damn lines... local... so you can't make any phone calls"