August 1917

Russia from Within
Her War of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
By Stanley Washburn, for Three Years Special Correspondent with the Russian Armies
Industry's Greatest Asset - Steel
By William Joseph Showalter
Mecca the Mystic
A New Kingdom within Arabia
By Dr. S. M. Zwemer
"The Flower of Paradise"
The Part Which Khat Plays in the Life of the Yemen Arab
By Charles Moser, Formerly American Consul, Aden, Arabia

September 1917

The Food Armies of Liberty
By Herbert Hoover
The Weapon of Food
By Herbert Hoover
The Geography of Medicines
War's Effects upon the World's Sources of Supply
By John Foote, M. D.
A Few Glimpses into Russia
By Lieut. Zinovi Pechkoff
Conserving the Nation's Man Power
Disease Weakens Armies, Cripples Industry, Reduces Production. How the Government is Sanitating the Civil Zones Around Cantonment Areas. A Nation-wide Campaign for Health.
By Rupert Blue, Surgeon General, U. S. Public Health Service
Practical Patriotism

October 1917

Our Flag Number
By Byron McCandless, Lieutenant-Commander, U. S. Navy, and Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor, National Geographic Magazine
The Story of the American Flag
The Makers of the Flag
By Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior
The Flags of Our Army, Navy, and Government Departments
Our State Flags
Flags Famous in American History
The Flags of Pan-America
The Flags of Europe, Asia, and Africa
The Flags of the British Empire
Flags of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and Turkey
Heroic Flags of the Middle Ages
The Geography of the Earth as Known in Medieval Times Symbolized in 96 Historic Standards
Pennants of Patriotism 200 Years Ago
The Correct Display of the Stars and Stripes
The Insignia of the Uniformed Forces of the United States

November–December 1917

Training the New Armies of Liberty
Camp Lee, Virginia's Home for the National Army.
By Major Granville Fortescue, U. S. A.
America's New Soldier Cities
The Geographical and Historical Environment of the National Army Cantonments and National Guard Camps
By William Joseph Showalter
The Immediate Necessity of Military Highways
By A. G. Batchelder, Executive Chairman, American Automobile Association
In French Lorraine
That Part of France Where the First American Soldiers Have Fallen
By Harriet Chalmers Adams
Farm Scenes in Scotland (rotogravure insert)
Various images
From the Trenches to Versailles
By Carolyn Corey