Nature (journal)/Volume 13/Number 328/Jupiter's Satellites

Jurirer’s Satellites.—If we take a mean of the measures of the diameters of the satellites by Struve at Dorpat, and by Engelmann at Leipsic, we shall have for apparent diameters at the mean distance of the primary:—
I. … 1"·048 II. … 0"·911 … III. 1"·513 … IV. 1"·278
and with a solar parallax of 8"·875, the true diameters in English miles will be:—
I. … 2,435 … II. 2,115 … III. 3,515 … IV. 2,970
The angular diameters at the centre of Jupiter, are:—
I. … 31'·4 II. … 17'·1 III. … 17'·8 IV. … 8'·6
and the mean distances from the centre of Jupiter:—

I. 266,700 miles
II. 424,300   ,,
III. 676,800   ,,
IV. 1,190,400   ,,

The diameter of the planet’s equator is assumed to be 88,200 miles, as lately given in this column.