New Jersey Statutes Annotated/Title 58/Chapter 5

632291New Jersey Statutes Annotated — Chapter 5. NORTH AND SOUTH JERSEY WATER SUPPLY DISTRICTSthe Government of New Jersey
  • Section 5-1. State divided into two water supply districts; laws applicable
  • Section 5-2. Petition for appointment of water supply commission
  • Section 5-3 Appointment of commissioners; terms; vacancies.
  • Section 5-4. Salaries of commissioners
  • Section 5-5. Name of commissions
  • Section 5-6. Organization of commission; secretary and employees
  • Section 5-7. Body corporate; powers
  • Section 5-7.1. Acceptance of federal grants authorized
  • Section 5-8. Accounts; report
  • Section 5-9. Petition of municipality for water supply; preliminary estimate of cost
  • Section 5-10. Hearing on proposition; notice
  • Section 5-11. Other municipalities may join
  • Section 5-12 Plans for water supply; estimated cost; report; form of contract.
  • Section 5-13. Action of municipality on contract; time; extension
  • Section 5-14. Redrafted contract; submission; resubmission
  • Section 5-15. Duties of municipalities upon acceptance of contract; failure of municipality to act
  • Section 5-16. Powers of commission in carrying out contracts
  • Section 5-17. Condemnation; proceedings upon refusal of money tendered for property taken; payment into court; withdrawal
  • Section 5-18. Construction of pipe lines and reservoirs; change of grade or location of streets, canals and railroads; condemnation
  • Section 5-19. Acquisition from canal corporations of water rights for reservoirs; condemnation
  • Section 5-20. Commission contracts
  • Section 5-21. Conveyance of distribution or water plant to municipality
  • Section 5-22. Payment by municipalities of cost of construction or acquisition of water supply
  • Section 5-23. Payment of cost of operation; apportionment; payment in advance
  • Section 5-24. Control of plant after completion
  • Section 5-25. Petition of municipality for water; notice; hearing
  • Section 5-26. Contract with municipality applying for water; payments
  • Section 5-27. Consent for obtaining new or additional water supply
  • Section 5-28. Contracting municipalities may borrow money; issue of bonds and notes
  • Section 5-29. No state indebtedness authorized
  • Section 5-30. Repeal of certain laws; saving clause
  • Section 5-31. Short title
  • Section 5-32. Legislative findings
  • Section 5-33. Public policy
  • Section 5-34. Definitions
  • Section 5-35. Commissions public corporations
  • Section 5-36. Powers
  • Section 5-36.1 Participation in Oakland Flood Protection Project.
  • Section 5-36.2 Defense, indemnification of North Jersey district water supply commission.
  • Section 5-37. Contracts with municipalities relating to water transmission facilities
  • Section 5-38. Appropriation of funds by municipality
  • Section 5-39. Property held by a commission under the original act not subject to certain claims
  • Section 5-40. Annual budgets and apportionment of expenses
  • Section 5-41. Sale of unused water by a commission
  • Section 5-42. Control of project after payment of bonds
  • Section 5-43. Bond resolution
  • Section 5-44. Issuance of bonds
  • Section 5-45. Sale of bonds
  • Section 5-46. Publication of bond resolution; limitation on actions
  • Section 5-47. Negotiability of bonds
  • Section 5-48. Agreements with holders of bonds
  • Section 5-49. Trustees for bondholders
  • Section 5-50. Receivers; powers
  • Section 5-51. Liability on bonds
  • Section 5-52. Real property; acquisition
  • Section 5-53. Limitations on mortgage and sale of facilities
  • Section 5-54. Investment in bonds of a commission
  • Section 5-55. Tax exemption of interest and revenues
  • Section 5-56. Pledge of State to bondholders
  • Section 5-57. Construction
  • Section 5-58. Severability clause