New fortune book, or, Conjurer's guide

New fortune book, or, Conjurer's guide
3211638New fortune book, or, Conjurer's guide












Since that this ace is now your lot,
You will wed one that's fierce and hot;
But if a woman does draw it,
She will wed one with wealth and wit.

Hast not thou drawn the number two,
Thy spouse shall be both just and true;
But it a woman this now have,
Beware of a sly crafty knave.

You that have drawn the number three,
Great honour will your portion be ;
But if a female draw the same,
She must beware of wanton shame,

The man that draws the number four,
Shall quite forsake his native shore;
But if the same for a woman finds,
Both hand and heart in love she joins.

He that draweth the number five,
Where he was born he will best thrive;
But it it's drawn by womankind,
Good luck abroad they sure will find.

He that can catch the number six,
Will have cunning and crafty tricks
But if a woman draw the same,
It will show that she is free from blame.

Since that the seven does appear,
Crosses thou hast great cause to fear;
Women whene'er the same shall draw,
Shall not tear crosses more than straw.

Hast thou then drawn the number eight,
Thou sure wilt be a cuckold great;
Females that chance the same to take,
They never will the truth forsake.

Hast thou turned up the merry nine,
Then guineas will thy pockets line;
She that doth draw it to her hand,
Will die for love or leave the land.

O brave! the ten, 'tis very well,
There's none in love shall thee excel;
Only the maid who draws the ten,
May wed, but nobody knows when.

This noble king of diamonds shows,
Thou long shalt live where pleasure flows,
But when a woman draws the king,
Great melancholy songs she'll sing.

Now is the queen of diamonds fair
She shows thou shalt some office
Oh! woman, if it fall to you,
Friends you will have not a few.

Is now the knave of diamonds come,
Be sure beware the martial drum;
Yet if a woman draws the knave,
She shall much better fortune have

He that draws the ace of hearts,
Shall surely be a man of parts;
And she that draws it, I profess,
Will have the gift of idleness.

He who can draw this deuce shall I
Endowed with generosity;
But when a woman draws the card,
It does betide them cruel hard.

The man who gets hold of this trey,
Always bound, always obey;
A woman that shall draw this sort,
Will she drink brandy by the quart.

He that draws this four shall make
, A faithful dove for conscience' sake;
But if it's drawn by womankind;
They will prove false and that you'll find.

Note, that this five of hearts declares,
Thou shalt well manage great affairs;
But if it's drawn by fair women,
They sure will love all sorts of men.

The six of hearts surely foretells,
Thou shalt be where great honour dwells;
If it falls on the other side,
It then betokens scorn and pride.

Now this old seven, I'll maintain,
Shows that thou hast not lov'd in vain,
Thou shalt obtain the golden prize;
But with maids 'tis otherwise

Having now drawn the number eight,
Shows thou art servile born to wait;
But if a woman draws the same,
She shall mount on the wings of fame.

By this long nine be well assured,
The love sick pains must be endur'd;
But the damsel that draws this nine,
Soon in wedlock hands shall join.

This ten it is a lucky cast,
For it doth show the worst is past;
But if the maids the same shall have,
Love will their tender hearts enslave.

By this card surely 'twill appear,
Thou shall live long in happy cheer ;
And if a woman draws this card,
She shall likewise be high preferred.

Now by this card it is well known,
Thou shall enjoy still all thy own :
But women if they draw the same,
Shall sure enjoy a happy name.

He that doth draw the knave of h
Betokens he hath knavish parts;
But if a woman draws the knave,
She ne'er shall be any man's slave.

Thou that dost draw the ace of spades,
Shall be sore flouted by the maids;
And when it is a damsel's lot,
Both love and honour go to pot.

Always this deuce betokens strife,
And with a scolding wanton wife;
But if a woman's lot it be,
Honour, great love, and dignity.

Thou that art happy, in this trey,
Shalt surely wed a lady gay;
Whilst maids who now the same shall take
Join marriage with a poor town rake.

Now the same four betokens you
Shall be a chief of the forked crew;
Maids that do draw the same, shall meet
With certain joys always complete.

The five of spades gives you to know,
That you must thro' some troubles go;
But if a woman, it foretells
Her virtue others far excels.

The six foretells whene'er you wed,
You'll have a young crack'd maidenhead ;
But if a maid the number draws,
She'll wed a man of loud applause.

Now as the seven comes to hand,
It does entitle you to land;
But maids with this shall wed with those
That have no money, friends, or clothes.

This eight of spades foretells you shall
Wed a young maid, fair, straight, & tall;
If to a maid the same shall come,
She weds the brother of Tom Thumb.

Now by this nine to art foretold,
Thou shalt wed one, deaf, lame, and ol
Females when they draw this odd chance
Shall of themselves to wealth advance.

'Tis seen by this long ten of spades,
That thou shalt follow many trades,
And thrive by none; but women, they
By this chance shall not work, but play.

By this brave king, observe and note,
On golden streams shall always float;
But women, by the selfsame lot,
Shall long enjoy what they have got.

Here is the queen of spades likewise,
Thou soon shalt unto riches rise;
A woman by the same shall have
What her own heart can wish to crave.

This is a knave, pray have a care,
That you fall not into despair;
Women who the same shall choose,
May prove great flats, but that’s no news.

He that doth draw the ace of clubs,
From his wife gets a thousand snubs;
But if maids do it obtain,
By this they shall rule and reign.

Note that this deuce doth signify,
That thou a loyalist shall die;
The damsels that the same shall take,
Never will their good friends forsake.

You that by chance this trey have drawn,
Shall on the wanton harlot fawn:
A woman that shall draw this trey,
Shall be the lass that ne'er says nay.

Now by this four we plainly see,
Four love brats will be laid to thee:
And she that draws the same shall wed
Two rich husbands and both well-bred.

By this five we plainly see, thou
Wouldst wed with any dirty sow;
This same five drawn by virgins, they
Shall wed a husband kind and gay.

By this six thou art wed, we know,
To one that over thee will crow;
Maids that can draw the same shall be
Bless'd with good husbands kind & free

Thou that hast now the seven drawn,
Shall thy best breeches lay in pawn;
Maids that draw the same shall wear
Jewels so rich, without compare.

By this club eight, tho' whig or quaker,
Thy fate must be a cuckold maker;
Ye maids that draw the same are born
To hold both fools and fops in scorn.

By this brave nine, upon my life,
I soon shall wed a wealthy wife;
She that shall draw the same shall have
One that is both fool and knave.

Now for this number half-a-score,
Shows that thou wilt be wretched poor;
Maids that can draw this number still,
Shall have great joy and wealth at will.

Here comes the king of clubs, and shows
Thou hast some friends as well as foes;
Maids that do draw this court card shall
Have very few, or none at all.

If the queen of clubs be that thou hast,
Thou shall be with great honour grac'd;
And women if the same they find,
Will have things unto their own mind.

See how the surly knave appears,
Pray take care of both your ears;
Women whene'er the same they see,
Will be what they oft use to be.

The signification of Moles on any part of the Body.

A Mole on the middle of the forehead denotes riches and advancements by the favour of friends.

A mole on the right part of the forehead, signifies prosperity and success in riches and love affairs; in the left thou shall meet with many crosses and disappointments.

A mole on the eyebrow shows a man to be incontinent, and given to love women; but if a woman, it signifies a good husband.

A mole between the eyes, inclining towards the nose denotes the person to grow rich by marriage.

A mole on the nose signifies speedy and frequent marriages, and the party to be fruitful in children.

A mole on the right cheek shows the party to be prosperous in worldly affairs; but covetous and desirous to circumvent other people.

A mole on the left cheek shows to a man crosses in his affairs; to a woman, loss of honour, and danger of life in child-birth.

A mole on the right lip denotes the person greatly to be beloved, and to be fortunate in love affairs

A mole on the left lip signifies the party shall be rich by the death of relations.

A mole on the chin demonstrates the person wise.but promises no great riches.

A mole on the neck denotes him honourable and prudent, in his actions; but if a woman, it shows her of a weak judgment and apt to believe the worst of her husband.

A mole on a man's shoulder signifies adversity, and threatens him with an unhappy end; but a woman having a mole on the same place shows she shall abound in honour and riches.

A mole on the back demonstrates much labour and sorrow.

A mole on the left arm, promises labour, but on the right, riches gained by industry

A man or woman having a mole on their wrist or hand, denotes increase of children in marriage, but affliction in old age.

A mole on the breast promises the party advancement by favour of great ones.

A man or woman having a mole near the heart upon the breast, shows them irreligious, wicked, and malicious.

A mole on the belly demonstrates the party to be beloved, and to gain riches and advantage by it.

A mole on or near the privates, promises ability in duties, vigorous in love, and successful in many children.

A mole on the right knee promises success in love and several marriages.

A mole on the left knee, crosses and disappointments.

A mole on the right leg promises plenty, and an easy life; but on the left travel and poverty, and the like on the right or left foot or any part of the heels.

Of Dreams and their Interpretation.

TO dream of fire denotes anger.

To dream you fly, signifies hasty news of strange things.

To dream you fight and overcome, signifies victory or success over your enemies.

To dream one puts a gold ring on your finger signifies speedy marriage; but it it seems to break or fall of, there will be a disappointment in it.

To dream you see a flock of birds that sing and chirp merrily, promises you good news, or that you will soon grow rich.

To dream you swim in a tempestuous water, denotes trouble.

To dream you see the sun and moon broad and very shining, signifies honour and riches, and if eclipsed, crosses and disappointments.

To dream of finding small pieces of silver, denotes disappointments in trade and business.

To dream you see a purse hang by your bedside, with gold in it, signifies you shall find hidden treasure

To dream you see and are kindly conversing with your sweetheart, promises sudden marriage.

To dream you are pursued and strive to escape but cannot, signifies you will fall into some sudden langer.

To dream one's teeth or eyes fall out, signifies the loss of some dear friend.

To dream a horse or any other creature you ride on, runs swiftly and you cannot stop it, denotes captivity or unexpected losses.

To dream you put on new apparel, signifies a change of your condition.

To dream of one or more suns or moons, signifies the party to have so many husbands or wives.

To dream you are discoursing with spirits, signifies you shall discover secret things.

To dream an old woman is courting you, signifies preferment by marriage, but not without crosses and trouble.

To dream you are in a spacious chamber richly furnished, signifies advancement by the means of great ones.

To dream you hear music, signifies mirth and jollity.

To dream of dancing, signifies a happy life.

To dream you carry books, signifies you shall have preferment by learning.

To dream of the cackling of geese, signifies troublesome visitants.

To dream of embracing, signifies love and marriage.

To dream you are at a feast and eat greedily, denotes sickness.

To dream much of gold, denotes riches.

To dream you are fighting and overcome, betokens your success over your adversaries, or escape by strength and resolution, in some danger laid before you

To dream you climb a hill with pain, betokens difficulty in obtaining your desire.

To dream that bees fly about you, light on you and do you no harm, betokens many friends, and success in love.

To dream you see ants busy at their work, denotes riches coming by industry.

To dream you are sliding and fallen upon ice, betokens loss of preferment.

To dream of hawks, vultures, and other birds of prey flying about you, betokens you have powerful enemies, that seek to disturb your peace.

To dream you are called and see no body, betokens you shall be married to one whom you yet know not.

To dream you are fishing, and have good success by taking great fishes, promises you good fortune.

To dream you see gold strewed in your way, betokens advancement by gifts or legacies, or some estate falling to you by the death of relations.

To dream of a flock of water fowls flying to the sea or rivers making a merry noise, betokens the storm that threatens you is over and a happy time is coming.

To dream you see a man or woman going to be hanged denotes you will be importuned by some friends for assistance.

To dream one has their sweetheart in their arms, denotes speedy marriage, and a great deal of happiness in their enjoyment.

To dream of many suns and moons, signifies you will be happy in children, and that they will rise to great promotion.

To dream that you see aged people lively and nimble, jocund and merry, betokens long life with a healthful constitution.

To dream you repose on beds of flowers, denotes marrying into a rich family.

To dream you are bit by a serpent, signifies a speedy journey, or some hasty news.

To dream you fight and overcome, signifies you'll get the better in law suits, or other controversies.

To dream that a lion fawns on you, denotes favour of great persons.

To dream of black coffins and mourners, denotes the death of some friend and relation.

To dream you see a friend dead, denotes the party to be in good health.

To dream you are in a field of standing corn, betokens prosperity and joy.

A woman dreaming she kisses another woman denotes disappointment in love and barrenness.

To dream you are sailing peaceably on a calm water, denotes a peaceable and quiet life; but if a storm arise, expect troubles.

For a woman to dream a ring is put on her finger, denotes success in love and marriage; but if it be suddenly snatched away or fall off, it signifies disappointment in love, the breaking off the match.

To dream you see a sow or pigs, denotes fruitfulness.

To dream you are hunting the hare, and she escapes, betokens loss and disappointment in business.

To dream a gold chain falls from off your neck, betokens the loss of the favour of friends.

To dream you are courting a beautiful woman, betokens flattery.

To dream you are forced against your will to descend from any pleasant hill, betokens falling from promotion, and disappointment in preferment.

To dream of a sudden fit of joy at the sight of any thing, betokens the arrival of friends.

To dream you are at banquets but do not eat, betokens scarcity.

To dream you put a new glove on, and it remains so, betokens new friendship, or marriage.

To dream you fall into a deep pit, denotes some sudden surprise and danger.

A woman to dream she is with child, denotes sorrow and heaviness.

To dream you quench fire, denotes overcoming anger, and recovery from sickness.

To dream you hear a voice but see not who (illegible text)ters it, denotes you shall be deluded by a feigning pretender.

To dream you are walking in a garden of flowers, and among groves of trees, denotes much pleasure and delight to ensue from virtuous conversation.

To dream of moons contending in the firmament, denotes division among friends and relations.

To dream of drinking unmeasurably, denotes you shall fall into some violent disease.

The several lines of the hand, by which a true
judgment in telling fortunes may be made.

The most significant in palmistry, are thus described, viz. The line of life reaches from the wrist, almost to the root of the fore finger. The (illegible text)ble line is m the middle or table of the hand, and in some hands runs along the four mounts, participating of the influence of the respective planets governing them: the middle running across the hand, and sometimes obliquely it takes its beginning at the rising of the fore finger, near the line of life, ending at the mount of the moon.

The line of the brain usually called the liver line reaches to the table line, making a triangle, thus (illegible text). The girdle of Venus begins near the joint of the little finger, and ends between the fore finger and middle finger. The line of death or great misfortunes, when it appears plain, and therefore it is called the sister line, ending at its end and the percussion is between the mount of Venus and that of the moon; the wrist lines commonly called Roseata, and are known by the joints that part the hand.

Secret characters, marks, or letters, in the hand, relating to good or bad fortunes in men or women.

There are many letters often formed in the hands called sacred characters, and of these I shall speak briskly, as they relate to good or bad fortune; An A found between the mount of the moon and hollow of the hand, denotes sickness and losses; if it appear toward the mount of Venus, it denotes success in love affairs, and prosperity. If a T be on the mount of Venus, it denotes success in love affairs; but if it come so low as to cut the line of life, then it denotes crosses and misfortunes in love, and much mischief. A P on the ball of the thumb, denotes honour and preferment, Q in the angle or hollow, many marriages, and X vexation and trouble.

Physiognomy, or good or bad fortune, told by the lines of the face, and first of the planets and governing signs.

Physiognomy, as to the lines of the face and other remarkable things in it is under the influence of the planets and signs; but that graven on the parts of the body is mainly significative, we know, of good or bad fortune in men and women, and we understand by their outward parts their manners, inclinations, and intellectual faculties, as well as what shall befal them in the progress of their eyes; for the face, &c. is under the government and dominion of the planets; thus the forehead is governed by Mars, the right eye by Sol, the left by the Moon, the right ear by Jupiter, the left by Saturn the nose by Venus, and the mouth by Mercury. As for the signs of the Zodiac, Cancer governs the height of the forehead, Leo the right eyebrow, Virgo the right cheek, Libra the right ear, Scorpio the nose, Sagittarius the left ear, Capricorn the chin, Aquarius the left eye, Pisces the cheek, Aries the left ear, Taurus the middle of the forehead.

Good or bad fortunes known by the eyes, nose, mouth &c. of men or women.

Large eyes denote the party stout and courageous, but deceitful and of a quarrelsome humour. Eyes partly coloured denote a woman much given to love, but unstable and inconstant; greenish little eyes standing inward, denote wisdom and councils, fortunate in success, &c. A large nose much hanging down, denotes covetousness. A round nose at the extremity, with small nostrils, denotes in a man pride and incredulity: in a woman, much given to love and lust. A red nose naturally so denotes contentions with turbulent and quarrelsome persons, if in a female the gristle of the nose seems to part with the bone, or to be dented at the end, she hath undoubtedly lost her virginity. A great mouth standing unseemly wide, denotes the party foolish, but a great babbler, divulging false stories, and delighting to make mischief. A little mouth, well proportioned, denotes the party wise, peaceable, loving, and chaste. The ears large and thick, denote a defect in memory and foolish; little and thin the contrary. A fleshly face denotes a merry and cheerful person, a thin lean one, a wise, malicious, and covetous person.

Good or bad fortunes known by the hair, chins and eyebrows, of men and women.

The hair of the head thick and soft, denotes the man of an affable mild temper; but curled harsh black hair, denotes the party treacherous, rough and much given to anger.

Gold hair denotes the party treacherous.

Red hair inclining to black, denotes the party wise, but crafty and subtle in mischief.

Chesnut coloured hair signifies the party of fair condition, mild and well disposed.

A long chin denotes malice, fraud, and vexations; and a man leacherous and foolish.

A little chin denotes a man effeminate, yet haughty and proud.

A square chin roundish or little oval denotes the party loving, affable, and of a good temper.

A lean wrinkled chin denotes the party unfit for marriage duties.

Fine little eyebrows denote affability, love, and constancy, bending and overhanging brows the contrary.

Eyebrows short and narrow, denote the party of a soft and pliable temper.

Eyebrows long with long hair, denote the party clownish and morose, yet with great ability of parts.


Young men and maids who fain would know.
Your fortune good or ill:
In short you need no farther go
Than to this book, which will
Inform you well of every thing,
Ordained for your lot;
Whether fortune will riches bring,
Or whether she will not;
Whether you shall the party have,
The which you fain would wed:
Whether in love you shall outbrave,
Before yon seem to breed;
Whether you shall live to be old,
Or die when you are young;
Whether you shall get store of gold,
When friends you come among;
Whether you're born to cross the seas,
Into some foreign land,
Or live at home in pleasant case,
With servants at command.
Whate'er is lawful to be known,
To men or women-kind,
Will in this book he clearly shown,
If you the rule will mind.

Directions for the Readers, by which they shall he truly informed of all the mysterious Rules and methods of the new Fortune Book.

Takea new pack of cards, shuffle them well together, he or she that holds them, spread them on the table with their faces downwards. The males or females, young and old, who are to draw, let them first shut their eyes, then lay their right hand upon tho left breast repeating these wards, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Then look upon the number and have recourse to the book, so shall they have satisfaction in their good or bad fortune.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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