North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 4/Notice re Fee Schedule


The following, from Hon. F. T. Cuthbert, of Devils Lake, Chairman of the Committee on Compensation and Fees, is in reply to several inquiries that have come to the Committee since the adoption of the Schedule:

“It seems there has been some doubt with certain attorneys concerning the schedule with reference to foreclosures, which we regret. The Committee did not intend any ambiguity when it wrote this schedule regarding foreclosure by advertisement. It was the intention of the Committee, and understood by all, that the foreclosure fee by advertisement would be $25.00 plus one-half of the statutory fee by action, or one-half the statutory fee before the amendment. As Chairman I have taken this matter up with the entire Committee, and the Committee has unanimously agreed that this is the construction intended to be placed upon this matter. We trust there may be no further misunderstanding regarding the schedule.”