North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 6/Reports of Committees


An effort was made last year to have the standing committees of the Association file their annual reports with the Secretary some time prior to the annual meeting, without much success. The matter is again urged this year, and sufficiently early to permit of compliance. With the establishment of this publication, there should be afforded full opportunity for the practicing attorneys to know what matters are to be discussed and acted upon at the annual meeting. If the various committees will co-operate to the extent of presenting their reports and recommendations, in writing, to the Secretary, by the 5th of August, the August number of Bar Briefs can carry a summarization that will advise the membership sufficiently to enable them to formulate their opinions and prepare for a proper expression of them at the meeting. Full and free discussion alone may be expected to result in action that may be said to be representative of the composite opinion of the Bar membership. Free discussion may be obtained if the membership is confronted only with a program, that is, it will be free discussion among those who happen to be present, but the urge to be present will be much stronger if they know in advance what proposals are pressing for consideration, and the greater the attendance the fuller will be the discussion and the more representative the resulting action.