A. H. F. Bartels, J.P.,
WHOSE career was an instance of what a man may accomplish by industry and perseverance, was a native of Hanover, and arrived in South Australia in 1848, under engagement to the late Mr. Seppelt, of Seppeltsfield. He visited Victoria during the gold fever of 1852, but returned to the colony, and entered into business in Adelaide. Married Mrs. Uhlendorf, of the King of Hanover Hotel, and carried on the business of an hotel-keeper successfully, for about ten years, when he entered into partnership with Mr. G. H. C. Meyer, as general agents and grain merchants, a connection which existed up to the time of his death. In December 1866, he was elected by the ratepayers in Hindmarsh Ward for a seat in the City Council, and held that office four years. Was returned as Mayor of Adelaide in December 1871, and filled the position for two years, to the satisfaction of the citizens generally. He was a Director of the Permanent and Equitable Building Society and other public companies. Mr. Bartels was a man of much ability, and universally liked for his sterling qualities. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Weidenbach, who was left his widow. He died on November 9, 1878.