Notes and Queries/Series 1/Volume 1/Number 1/On a Poem Mentioned in One of the Lansdowne MSS.

3101794Notes and Queries, Series 1, Volume 1, Number 1 — On a Poem Mentioned in One of the Lansdowne MSS.


In vol. 61. of the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum occurs the following remarkable letter from the Bishop of London (John Aylmer) to Lord Burghley. I wish to be informed to what "foolish rhime," which had been printed in Oxford and London, it applies? It is a question of some literary importance to me at the present moment, and I am glad to have the opportunity of putting it by means of your new hebdomadal undertaking. I hope to meet with a reply in your "Notes and Queries" of next week.

"To the Lord Treasurer.

"Yt may please your good L. to understand, that upon inquiry made for the setting forth of this foolish rime, I finde that it was first printed at Oxford, by Joseph Barnes, and after here by Toby Cooke, without licence, who is now out of towne, but as sone as he returneth, I will talke with him about it. I marvell that they of Oxford will suffer such toyes to be sett forth by their authority; for in my opinion it had been better to have thanked God, than to have insulted upon men, and especially upon princes. And so I take my leave of your good L., praying God to send you health to his honour and all our good. From my pallace at London, this xxixth of Aprill 1589.

"Your good L. to command in Xo.,
"John Lond."

If the above refer to any production in verse upon the defeat of the Armada, Lord Burghley (who had probably made inquiries of the Bishop) seems to have been actuated by some extraordinary and uncalled-for delicacy towards the King of Spain. Waiting an explanation, I am your Hearty Well-wisher.

Lond. Oct. 23. 1849.

I cannot find that Aylmer's letter has ever been noticed by any of our literary antiquaries.