Of the Imitation of Christ/Book III/Chapter III

Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book III: Chapter III
2638404Of the Imitation of Christ — Book III: Chapter IIIunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



MY son, hear my words, words of greatest sweetness, surpassing all the knowledge of the philosophers and wise men of this world.

"My words are Spirit and Life," and not to be weighed by the understanding of man.

They are not to be drawn forth for vain approbation, but to be heard in silence, and to be received with all humility and great affection.

And I said, Blessed is the man whom Thou shalt instruct, Lord, and shalt teach out of Thy law, that Thou mayest give him rest from the evil days, and that he be not desolate upon earth.

2. I taught the prophets from the beginning (saith the Lord), and cease not, even to this day, to speak to all; but many are hardened, and deaf to My voice.

Men do more willingly listen to the world than to God; they sooner follow the desires of their own flesh, than God's good pleasure.

The world promiseth things temporal and mean, and is served with great eagerness: I promise things most high and eternal; and yet the hearts of men remain torpid.

Who is there that in all things serveth Me with so great care as the world and its lords are served withal? Be ashamed, Sidon, saith the sea. And if thou ask the cause, hear wherefore.

For a small income a long journey is undertaken; for everlasting life many will scarce once lift a foot from the ground.

The most pitiful reward is sought after; for a single bit of money sometimes there is shameful contention; for a vain matter and slight promise men fear not to toil day and night.

3. But alas! for an unchangeable good, for an inestimable reward, for the highest honour, and glory without end, they grudge even the least fatigue.

Be ashamed, therefore, thou slothful and complaining servant, that they are found to be more ready to destruction than thou to life.

They rejoice more in vanity than thou dost in the truth.

Sometimes, indeed, they are frustrated of their hope; but My promise deceiveth none, nor sendeth him away empty that trusteth in Me.

What I have promised, I will give; what I have said I will fulfil; if only any man remain faithful in My love even to the end.

I am the rewarder of all good men, and the strong approver of all who are devoted to Me.

4. Write thou My words in thy heart, and meditate diligently on them; for in time of temptation they will be very needful for thee.

What thou understandest not when thou readest, thou shalt know in the day of visitation.

In two ways I am wont to visit Mine elect, namely, with temptation and with consolation.

And I daily read two lessons to them, one in reproving their vices, another in exhorting them, to the increase of all virtues.

He that hath My words and despiseth them, hath One that shall judge him in the last day.

5. A Prayer to implore the grace of Devotion:—

O Lord my God! Thou art to me whatsoever is good. And who am I, that I should dare to speak to Thee? I am Thy poorest, meanest servant, and a most vile worm, much more poor and contemptible than I can or dare express.

Yet do thou remember, Lord, that I am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing.

Thou alone art good, just, and holy; Thou canst do all things, Thou accomplishest all things. Thou fillest all things, only the sinner Thou leavest empty.

Remember Thy mercies, and fill my heart with Thy grace, Thou Who wilt not that Thy works should be void and in vain.

6. How can I bear up myself in this miserable life, unless Thou strengthen me with Thy mercy and grace? Turn not Thy face away from me; delay not Thy visitation; withdraw not Thy consolation, lest my soul become as a thirsty land.

Teach me, O Lord, to do Thy will; teach me to live worthily and humbly in Thy sight; for Thou art my wisdom, Thou dost truly know me, and didst know me before the world was made, and before I was born.