Of the Imitation of Christ/Book III/Chapter LIV

Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book III: Chapter LIV
2642766Of the Imitation of Christ — Book III: Chapter LIVunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



MY son, mark diligently the movings of nature and grace; for in a very contrary yet subtle manner do they move; they can hardly be distinguished but by him that is spiritually and inwardly enlightened.

All men indeed desire that which is good, and pretend some good in their words and their deeds; and therefore under the show of good, many are deceived.

Nature is crafty, and seduceth many, ensnareth and deceiveth them, and always hath herself for her end and object.

But grace walketh in simplicity, abstaineth from all show of evil, sheltereth not herself under deceit, doeth all things purely for God's sake, in Whom also she finally resteth.

2. Nature is reluctant to die, or to be kept down, or to be overcome, or to be in subjection, or readily to be subdued.

Grace studieth self-mortification, resisteth sensuality, seeketh to be in subjection, is desirous to be kept under, and wisheth not to use her own liberty. She loveth to be kept under discipline, and desireth not to rule over any, but always to live and remain and be under God, and for God's sake is ready humbly to bow down to man's ordinances.

Nature striveth for her own advantage, and considereth what profit she may reap by another.

Grace considereth not what is profitable and convenient unto herself, but rather what may be for the good of many.

Nature willingly receiveth honour and reverence.

Grace faithfully attributeth all honour and glory unto God.

3. Nature feareth shame and contempt.

Grace rejoiceth to suffer reproach for the Name of Jesus.

Nature loveth leisure and bodily ease.

Grace cannot be unemployed, but cheerfully embraceth labour.

Nature seeketh to have things that are curious and beautiful, and abhorreth those which are cheap and coarse.

Grace delighteth in what is plain and humble, despiseth not rough things, and refuseth not to be clothed in that which is old and worn.

Nature respecteth temporal things, rejoiceth at earthly gain, sorroweth for loss, is irritated by every little injurious word.

Grace looketh to things eternal, cleaveth not to things temporal, is not disturbed at losses, nor soured with hard words; because she hath placed her treasure and joy in heaven, where nothing perisheth.

4. Nature is covetous, doth more willingly receive than give, and loveth to have things private and her own.

Grace is kind of heart, and ready to share with others, shunneth private interest, is content with a little, judgeth that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Nature inclines a man to the creature, to his own flesh, to vanities, and to wandering hither and thither. Grace draweth him unto God and to every virtue, renounceth the creature, avoideth the world, hateth the desires of the flesh, restraineth wanderings, blushes to be seen in public.

Nature is willing to have some outward solace, whereby she may be delighted.

Grace seeketh consolation in God alone, and to have delight in the highest good above all visible things.

5. Nature useth everything to her own gain and profit, she cannot bear to do anything without reward, but for every kindness she hopeth to obtain either what is equal, or what is better, or at least praise or favour; and is very earnest to have her works and gifts much valued.

Grace seeketh no temporal things, nor desireth any other reward save God alone, and asketh not more of temporal necessaries, than what may serve her for the obtaining of things eternal.

6. Nature rejoiceth to have many friends and kinsfolk, she glorieth of noble place and noble birth, smiles on the powerful, fawns upon the rich.

Grace loveth even her enemies, and is not puffed up with multitude of friends; and thinketh not greatly of high birth, unless it be joined with more exalted virtue.

Grace favoureth the poor rather than the rich, sympathiseth more with the innocent than with the powerful, rejoiceth with the true man, not with the deceitful.

She is ever exhorting men to strive for the best gifts, and by all virtue to become like to the Son of God.

Nature quickly complaineth of want and of trouble.

Grace endureth need with firmness and constancy.

7. Nature referreth all things to herself, striveth and argueth for herself.

Grace bringeth back all to God, from whence originally they proceed; she ascribed no good to herself, nor doth she arrogantly presume; she contendeth not, nor preferreth her own opinion before others; but in every matter of sense and understanding she submitteth herself unto the eternal wisdom and the divine judgment.

Nature is eager to know secrets, and to hear news; she loveth to appear abroad, and to make proof of many things by her own senses; she desireth to be acknowledged, and to do things for which she may be admired.

Grace careth not to hear news, nor to understand curious matters, seeing that upon earth there is nothing new, nothing durable.

Grace teacheth therefore to restrain the senses, to shun vain complacency and ostentation, humbly to hide those things that are worthy of admiration and praise, and from everything to seek profitable fruit, and the praise and honour of God.

She will not have herself publicly praised, but desireth that God should be blessed in His gifts, because that of mere love He bestoweth all things.

8. This grace is a supernatural light, and a certain special gift of God, and the proper mark of the elect, and a pledge of everlasting salvation.

It raiseth up a man from earthly things to love the things of heaven, and from being carnal maketh him a spiritual man.

The more therefore nature is depressed and subdued, so much the more is grace infused, and every day by new visitations the inward man is reformed anew according to the likeness of God.