Of the Imitation of Christ/Book IV/Chapter IV

Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book IV: Chapter IV
2638293Of the Imitation of Christ — Book IV: Chapter IVunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



O LORD, my God, do Thou present Thy servant with the blessings of Thy goodness, that I may approach worthily and devoutly to Thy glorious sacrament.

Stir up my heart unto Thee, and deliver me from all listlessness. Visit me with Thy salvation, that I may taste in spirit Thy sweetness, which plentifully lieth hid in this sacrament as in a fountain.

Enlighten also mine eyes to behold so great a mystery, and strengthen me with undoubting faith to believe it.

For it is Thy work, and no human power; Thy sacred institution, not man's invention.

For of himself no man is able to comprehend and understand these things, which surpass even the understanding of angels.

What portion then of so high and sacred a mystery shall I, unworthy sinner, dust and ashes, be able to search out and comprehend?

2. O Lord, in the simplicity of my heart, with a good and firm faith, and at Thy commandment, I draw near unto Thee with hope and reverence; and do truly believe that Thou art here present in this sacrament, both God and man.

Thy will is, that I should receive Thee, and that I should unite myself unto Thee in charity.

Wherefore I implore Thy mercy, and do crave Thy special grace, to the end I may wholly be dissolved and overflow with love to Thee, and never hereafter suffer any other consolation to enter in.

For this most high and precious sacrament is the health both of soul and body, the medicine for all spiritual languor; hereby my vices are cured, my passions bridled, my temptations overcome or at least weakened; greater grace is infused, virtue begun is increased, faith is confirmed, hope strengthened, and love inflamed and enlarged.

3. For Thou hast bestowed, and still oftentimes dost bestow many benefits in this sacrament upon Thy beloved ones that communicate devoutly, O my God, the protector of my soul, the strengthener of human frailty, and the giver of all inward comfort.

Thou impartest unto them much comfort against all tribulations; and liftest them up from the depth of their own dejected state, to hope in Thy protection; and dost inwardly refresh and enlighten them with new grace, so that they who at first and before communion felt themselves full of anxiety and heartlessness, were afterwards refreshed with heavenly meat and drink.

And in such a way of dispensation Thou dealest with Thine elect, that they may truly acknowledge, and clearly prove, how great their own infirmity is, and what goodness and grace they obtain from Thee.

For they of themselves are cold and undevout; but by Thee they are made fervent, cheerful, and devout.

For who is there, that approaching humbly unto the fountain of sweetness, doth not carry away from thence at least some little sweetness?

Or who standing by a large fire, receiveth not some small heat thereby?

And Thou art a fountain always fall and overflowing, a fire ever burning and never decaying.

4. Wherefore if I am not permitted to draw out of the full fountain itself, nor to drink my fill, I will notwithstanding set my lips to the mouth of this heavenly conduit, that I may receive from thence at least some small drop to refresh my thirst.

And though I cannot as yet be altogether heavenly, nor so full of love as the cherubim and seraphim, yet notwithstanding I will endeavour to apply myself earnestly to devotion, and prepare my heart to obtain if it be but some small spark of divine fire, by the humble receiving of this life-giving sacrament.

And whatsoever is hereunto wanting in me, O merciful Jesu, most holy Saviour, do Thou bountifully and graciously supply for me, Thou Who hast vouchsafed to call us all unto Thee, saying, "Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you."

5. I indeed labour in the sweat of my brow, I am vexed with grief of heart, I am burdened with sins, I am troubled with temptations, I am entangled and oppressed with many evil passions; and there is none to help me, none to deliver and save me, but Thou O Lord God, my Saviour.

Receive me for the honour and glory of Thy name, Thou Who hast prepared Thy body and blood to be my meat and drink.

Grant O Lord God, my Saviour, that by frequenting the celebration of Thy sacrament, the zeal of my devotion may grow and increase.