Official Code of Georgia Annotated/Title 1/Chapter 2/Section 10

Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA)
Georgia General Assembly
General Provisions—Persons and Their Rights—Rights of citizens of other states or nations to sue or give evidence.

This is revision 73, as released by Public.Domain.Org.

3177946Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) — General Provisions—Persons and Their Rights—Rights of citizens of other states or nations to sue or give evidence.Georgia General Assembly

The citizens of other states of the United States or of foreign states at peace with this state shall, by comity, be allowed the privilege of suing in the courts of this state and of giving evidence therein, as long as the same comity is extended in the courts of the other states to the citizens of this state.

(Orig. Code 1863, § 1595; Code 1868, § 1657; Code 1873, § 1662; Code 1882, § 1662; Civil Code 1895, § 1817; Civil Code 1910, § 2174; Code 1933, § 79—305.)

Law reviews.—For annual survey of administrative law, see 56 Mercer L. Rev. 31 (2004).


O. C. G. A. § 1—2—10 applies to citizens of foreign countries who are residing within the United States but does not extend to nonresident aliens. AT&T Corp. v. Sigala, 274 Ga. 137, 549 S. E. 2d 373 (2001).
O. C. G. A. §§ 1—2—10 and 1—2—11, regarding the rights of citizens of other nations to sue in Georgia, apply to citizens of foreign countries who are residing within the United States and do not extend to nonresident aliens. Gonzalez v. DOT, 279 Ga. 230, 610 S. E. 2d 527 (2005).

Cited in Southern Ry. v. Parker, 194 Ga. 94, 21 S. E. 2d 94 (1942); J. Bain, Inc. v. Poulos, 121 Ga. App. 647, 175 S. E. 2d 86 (1970); Cheeley v. Fujino, 131 Ga. App. 41, 205 S. E. 2d 83 (1974).


Am. Jur. 2d.—3B Am. Jur. 2d, Aliens and Citizens, § 1823 et seq. 3C Am. Jur. 2d, Aliens and Citizens, § 2086 et seq.

C. J. S.—3 C. J. S., Aliens, §§ 8 et seq., 35 et seq., 176 et seq.

ALR.—When receiver of corporation deemed to be vested with title to assets so as to entitle him to sue in a foreign jurisdiction, 29 A. L. R. 1495.
Reciprocity as affecting comity, 87 A. L. R. 973.
Right of resident alien who is a subject of an enemy country to prosecute suit during war, 137 A. L. R. 1347; 147 A. L. R. 1303; 149 A. L. R. 1453; 151 A. L. R. 1453.
Right of nonresident alien subject of enemy nation to institute suit after commencement of war, 137 A. L. R. 1355; 147 A. L. R. 1307; 148 A. L. R. 1385; 149 A. L. R. 1454; 151 A. L. R. 1454; 155 A. L. R. 1450.
Suits and remedies against alien enemy, 144 A. L. R. 1508.
Effect of war on litigation pending at the time of its outbreak, 147 A. L. R. 1298; 148 A. L. R. 1384; 149 A. L. R. 1452; 150 A. L. R. 1418; 154 A. L. R. 1447.
Suits and remedies against alien enemies, 147 A. L. R. 1309; 148 A. L. R. 1386; 149 A. L. R. 1454; 152 A. L. R. 1451; 153 A. L. R. 1419; 155 A. L. R. 1451; 156 A. L. R. 1448; 157 A. L. R. 1449.
Conflict of laws as to survival or revival of wrongful death actions against estate or personal representative of wrongdoer, 17 A. L. R. 2d 690.