Old woman clothed in Gray/An Old Woman Clothed in Gray

Old woman clothed in Gray (1825)
An Old Woman Clothed in Gray
3192709Old woman clothed in Gray — An Old Woman Clothed in Gray1825


An old worn in clothed in gray,
had a daughter was charming & young,
But she was deluded astray
by Rogers false flattering tongue;

With whom she often had been,
abroad in the meadows end fields;
Her belly grew up to her chin
her spirit sunk down to her heels.

At length she began for to puke,
her mother possessed with fear:
She gave her a gentle rebuke,
and cry’d, Daughter's word in your ear.

I doubt you've been playing the fool,
which many call'd hey ding a ding,
Why did you not follow my rule,
and tie your two toes in a string.

O Mother! your counsel I took,
but yet I was never the noar:
He won my heart with a false look,
and his words so enchanted mine ear,

That your precepts I soon did forget,
he on me and would have his scope,
Oil is but a folly to fret,
'tis done and for it there's no help.

Then who is the father of it?
come tell me without more delay?
For now I am just in the fit,
to go and hear what he will say.

It is Roger. the damsel reply'd,
he cull'd me his own pretty bird,
And said that I should be his bride,
but he was not so good as his word.

What! Roger that lives in the mill?
yes, verily; Mother the same:
What! Roger that lives in the mill?
I'll hap to him tho' I am lame;

Go fetch me my crutches with speed,
and bring me my spectacles too,
A lecture to him I will read,
shall ring in his ears thro' and thro'.

With that she went hoping away,
and went to oung Hodge of the mill,
On him she her crutches did lay
and cry'd, You have ruin'd my Girl,

By getting her dear maidenhead,
'tis true you can no ways deny,
Therefore I advise you to wed,
and make her as honest as I.

Then what will you give me? quoth Hodge,
if I take your Daughter by hand!
Will you make me the heir of yonr lodge?
your houses, your money, and land,

With all your barns and ploughs,
your cattle and money also?
If so, I will make her my spouse,
speak up Are you willing or no.

Then Goody took Hodge by the hand,
let it be for to have and to hold;
I will make you the heir of my land,
my houses, my silver, and gold.

Make her but your honoured wife.
and you shall be Lord of my store,
Whene'er I surrender my life,
in case it were forty times more.

The bargain was presently struck,
they' wedded—and this being done,
The old woman wished them good luck,
being proud of her Daughter and Son.

Then, Hey for a Girl or a Boy;
young Peg look'd as big as a Duchess,
The Old Woman caper'd for joy,
and danc’d up a jig in her crutches.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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