Enter Ollanta (in a mantle fringed with gold bezants, and with a club over his shoulder), and his servant Piqui Chaqui.


Piqui Chaqui ricunquichu
Cusi Coyllurtac huasinpi?

Piqui Chaqui, hast thou seen
Cusi Coyllur in her house?

Piqui Chaqui.

Ama Ynti munachunchu
Chayman churacunaitacca
Manachu ccanccu manchanqui
Incacc14 ususin casccantacca?

No! The Sun would not permit
That I should go near it.
How is it that you have no fear,
She being daughter of the Ynca?


Chaypas cachun, munasaccmi
Chay lulucusccay urpita15
Ñancay sonccoy paipaca chita
Paillallatan munascani!

In spite of that, I must ever love
That most tender turtle-dove.
My heart in that road
Alone desires to search.

Piqui Chaqui.

Supaycha raicus16-casunqui
Ycha ccancca muspha17quipas:

Supay must have bewitched you,
And you wander in your speech.

Hinantimpin huarma sipas
Anchatan rucupacunqui
Yma ppunchaucha yachancca
Ynca yuyaycusccayquita
Ccorochinccan umayquita
Ccantacc canqui aycha canca.

Are there not many other maidens
That you can love before you are old?
The day that a knowledge of your love
Shall come to the Ynca,
He will have your head cut off,
And your body roasted like meat.


Ama runa, harccahuaichu!
Caipitacc sipirccoy quiman18
Ama rimapayahuaychu

Man! hold me not,
Or I will strangle thee!
Talk not too much before me,
Or with my hand I will tear thee to pieces.

Piqui Chaqui.

Puriy ari aysarccamuy
Allcco19 huarmuscca hinata;
Ychacca ama ñoccata
Puriy, Piqui, mascarccamuy
Nihuanquicha sapa huata
Sapa ppunchay, sapa tuta.

Away then! Let me be gone,
And not fall like a dog.
This shall not be for me.
Away Piqui! He will seek me,
He shall miss me each year,
Each day, each night.


Ñan ñiquina, Piqui Chaqui,
Quiquin huañuy-ychunantin

Go then! Piqui Chaqui,
Lead forth the dances of straw.a

Hinantin Urcco hinantin
Sayaninman Aucca huaqui
Chaypachapas, sayaymani
Paycunahuan churaccuspa
Ñoccan y causay huamuspa
Ccoyllurniypi mitccascani!

For me though my enemies oppose me,
Though a mountain obstruct
Yet will I encounter them.
I will risk all this,
And risk life itself
To embrace the Coyllur.

Piqui Chaqui.

Supay llocsimunman chayri?

If Supay should stand in the way?


Payta huanpas tustuymanmi.
(Paytapas ñocca)[1]

Him also would I trample down!

Piqui Chaqui.

Mana cenccata ricuspan
Cunan ccama rimascanqui.

You cannot see your own nose,
And therefore you speak thus.


Chaypas, Piqui huillallahuay
Ama ymata pacaspayqui
Manachu Ccoyllur ricusccayqui
Llapacc ttican? y ñillahuay.

Say then, Piqui!
Canst thou hide for me,
So that Coyllur may see it,
This flower?

Piqui Chaqui.

Ccoyllurllahuan musphascanqui
Manan ñocca ricunichu

Still mad about the Coyllur!
I have never seen her.

Paycha canccan, ycha pichu
Ccayna ppuncha ranqui ranqui
Pununtas qquecuna uccupi
Lloccsimuriccan chay Surupi
Ynti manri ricchacunccan
Quillamantacc tucupunccan20

Who, with other spotless ones,
Came forth but yesterday?
Perchance it was she!
Beautiful as the morning,
Brilliant as the Sun in his course,
Bright as the moon.


Paypunin chaycca riccsinqui
Yma sumac, yma cusi
Cunallanmi purininqui
Cunaiñiyhuan cusi cusi.

No doubt it was she,
How lovely! how joyful!
But now you must have walked by her!
How bright and joyful is she!

Piqui Chaqui.

Mana ñoccacca riymachu
Ppunchaycca hatun huasita
Chaypiñatacc ccepintinta21
Mana pita reccsiymanchu.

Indeed I cannot speak of her.
I cannot go this day to her house,
They would not let a porter in,
And I know her not by sight.


Reccsimiñan ñinquitaccmi?

Did you not say that you knew her?

Piqui Chaqui.

Chaytacca ñiyllama ñimi
Tutallan ccoyllurcca ccanchan,
Tutallatacc mi reccsini.

I said that, meaning
That as the stars shine at night in their places,
So I only know her at night.


Lloccsihuay caymanta laicca22
Chay ccoyllur munacusccaicca
Ynticc cayllanpi ashuanta
Ccanchan chipchin sapanmanta

Be gone then, wizard.
My adored Cusi Coyllur
Is more bright than the Sun,
She has no rival.

Piqui Chaqui.

Chaycca cunan llocsimuscan
Huc machu ycha payachu
Huarmi mami ricchacuscan
Ycha cunainyqui apacchu
Payhuan cunay ñoccatacca
Cachapuni23 ñihuanmanri
Pi may caccpas huacchatacca.

If it should be possible
I will look out for some old man or woman,
I will be awake and try it.
I will convey you to her
And speak with her.
I will consent to be your messenger,
Though I am but a poor man.

Enter Uillac Umu,24 gazing on the Sun, wearing a black "uncu," and with a knife in his hand.

Uillac Umu.

Causacc Ynti, yupiquitan
Ullpuycuspa yupaychani
Ccan pacctaccmi huaccaychani
Huarancca llama hinatan.
Ppunchaynipi cconospa
Yahuarñinta ccaillai pi

O living Sun! I watch thy course
As thou marchest onwards.
For thee are now preparing
A thousand llamas
For the day of thy festival.
Their blood shall flow in thy presence.

Ninapi canaspa llipi
Rupachincca mana accospa.

For thee are they destroyed in the fire,
And shall burn, after the fast is over.


Piqui Chaqui, caycca hamuscan
Chay Amauta, Uillac Umu!
Yma qquenchas manu ccumu
Payhuan cusca purimuscan
Checcnicunin cay layccata
Ancha llaquita huatuccnin
Tucuy phutita huatucctin.

See who comes, Piqui Chaqui!
It is the wise Uillac Umu.
Behold this lion is coming
Accompanied by evil omens:
I hate this soothsayer
Who, ever when he speaks,
Announces black auguries.

Piqui Chaqui.

Upallay ama rimaychu
Payni huc rimasccayquita
Nan yachaña yscay mitta
Nan huatuna chaychu caychu.

Hush. Speak not!
Even now that sorcerer
Knows twice as much as you
Concerning what you said.


Ricuanman rimaycusacc
Ccapac Auqui, Uillac Umu
Yupaychayquin pachaccuti
Cccapac cachun tucuy sutti
Hinatintacc Ccapac ccumu.

I will speak; now that he has seen me.
O powerful and noble Uillac Umu,
I adore thee with profound veneration.
From thee nothing is hidden
We see that all must be known to thee.

Uillac Umu.

Ccapac Ollantay ccapaccpas
Tucuy Suyu ttaccta cachun
Callpay quitacc puchu cachun
Llapata Secc-ñanapaccpas.

O valiant Ollanta!
The province is at thy feet.
Thy valour suffices
To subdue all things.


Anchatan manchani cucun
Machuita caypi ricuspa
Hinatinmi chiri uspa
Fica, ttunu, ccacca runcu
Maypachas ccanta ricuncu.
Ñihuai imapactac caicca
Ynca chu huacc yanccasunqui
Llaquichu pusamisunqui
Icha cusipacchu chaicca?
Ymamantac ccan hamunqui
Manarac raymi cactincca.
Onccorinchu icha Ynca
Imatachu huatuncanqui
(Ccanllachu huatupacunqui)
Yahuar sutucc panti tunqui?25
Ynti huatana ppunchaupas
Quilla macchina pachapas
Ancha caruraccmi cascan

I tremble to see thee here,
And to behold before me
These cold ashes,
Flowers, vases, bags of coca,
As many as approach, wonder at these things.
Tell me! for what are they intended?
Is it for the Ynca thou preparest
To discover evil omens
By the spider divination?
For what purpose dost thou come,
Seeing that the Raymib is not yet?
Is, peradventure, the Ynca sick?
How dost thou make thy divinations?

By the blood drops of the Tunquic
The day of observing the Sun,
The sacrifices of the Moon
Are still very far off.

Chairacmi quillata pascan
Situa Raymi cañampacpas
(Hatun Ccocho.)

The month has not yet commenced,
Of the Situa Raymi.d

Uillac Umu.

Anyaspachu tapuhuanqui
Huarmaiquichu icha cani?
Tucuy ymatan yachani
Canña ricuy yuiahuanqui.

Why dost thou ask me reproachfully?
Am I not thy servant?
I know all things
As thou but now remindedst me.


Mancharinmi llaclla sonccoy
Yancca ppunchaupi ricuspa
Chayamuiñiqui ruruspa
Ychapas ñocapac onccoy.

My coward heart trembles
To see thee on a special day,
That I may benefit by thy coming,
Even when a sickness is the result.

Uillac Umu.

Ama Ollantay manchaichu
Cunan caipi ricuhuaspa
Ychapas ccanta munaspa
Punimuni pahuacc huaichu
(Phahuamuni huaira ichu)
Ñihuay ama pacahuaichu

Fear not, Ollanta,
At seeing me here,
For, in truth, it is because I love thee.
I will fly, where thou likest, as straw before the wind.

Tell me the thoughts

Ymatan toccllan souccoyqui
(Caman chai saccra)

That find a place in thine heart.

Cay ppunchaymi campac ccoiqui
Sami miuta acllacuita
Causay huañuya taricuyta
Chaitan cunan horccomuyqui.

This day I will give thee
The choice of poison or fortune,
That between life and death
You may make your choice.


Asuan sutinta mastarei
Chay huatuscaiqui simita
Cai anhuiscca ccaitutari
Pascarei asuan pharita.

Explain more clearly
Now that thou hast divined.
Say what are on the quipus

With more quickness.

Uillac Umu.

Ccaicca Ollantay uyapay
Yachaiñispa tariscanta
Yachascanin llapallanta
Pacasccata ñoca sapay
Cantaccmi ñocacpas callpas
Ccan Auquita horcconaipac
Huarmamantan uyhuarccayqui
[Anchatatac munancayqui]
Camancani yananaypac
(y cunanpas)
Anti-suyu camachictan
Tucuy ccanta ricsisunqui
Ccantan Ynca munasunqui
Llautunta26 ccanhuanmi checctan

Here thou hast, O Ollanta!
What I have divined.
I only know all things,
I know even
What is most hidden.
I am able to make thee Auquie
As I have nourished thee,
And loved thee much,
I ought to aid thee

To become ruler over Anti-suyuf
Thou art known to all.
The Ynca loves thee
Even to dividing with thee the llautu.

Hinantinta ccahuaricctan
Ñahuinta ccampi churarcan:
Callpaiquita pucararccan
Auccancunac champinpaccpas
Tucuy ima haicca caccpas
Ccanllallapin puchucarccan
Chaychu cunan phiñachista
Sonccoiquipi yuyascanqui?
Ususintan ccan munanqui
Chay Ccoyllurta musphachista
Chay cusita urmacheita
Ama chaytaccan ruraychu
Amapuni cururaychu
Sonccoyquipi chay huchata:
Munasunqui pay anchata
Manan chay camasunquichu
Chaichica cuyascanmanchu
Chay quellita cutichihuac?
Mitcaspachu purinihuac
Urmahuac huc pponcomanchu?
Manan Ynca munanmanchu
Anchatan Ccoyllurta cuyan
Rimarinqui chayri cunan
Ttocyanccan phiñaricuspa
Ccantac ricuy muspha muspha

Among all—he has chosen thee,
Putting his eyes on thee
He will increase thy forces
That thou mayest resist his enemies.
Whatever thing may exist
With thy presence it shall cease.
Answer me now
Even when thy heart is appeased.
(Caught as with a lasso.)
Dost thou not desire his daughter,
That maddening Coyllur,
That Cusi, that she may fall.
Refrain from this!
Do not commit this crime.
Keep thy heart from it.
Though she loves thee much,
Do not thus with her soul.
Do not act in this way,
Do not commit this crime,
Showing such ingratitude
In return for great favours!
The Ynca will not suffer it,
For he loves the Coyllur.
If you should speak of it,
His rage will be great.
Are you becoming mad

Auquimanta cahuac runan?

At having been created an Auqui?


Maymantatac can yachanqui
Cay sonccoypi pacascayta?
Mamallanmi yachan chayta
Cunantac ccam huillahuanqui.

How knowest thou this
Which is hidden in my heart?
Her mother only knows it?
How is it that you now reveal it?

Uillac Umu.

Quillapin tucuy ymapas
Suyuscca quipu ñocapac
(Seqquesca quellca28)
Asuan pacascayqui caccpas
Sutillanmi can ñocapac.

All that has ever happened
Is present to me, as on a quipu,

Even what thou hast hidden most
To me is clear.


Huatuscarccanmi sonccoypi
Ñocac miuy canayquita
Chaquisca upyanayquita
Huicchuhuacchu huc onccoypi!

My heart tells me
That I myself have produced
The poison which, thirsting, I drank.
Wilt thou abandon me in this evil case?

Uillac Umu.

May chica cutin upyanchis
Ccori querupi huañuyta
Yuyariey tucuy hamuita
Ricuy huallahuisan canchis.

How often do we drink
Death from a vase of gold.
Remember that all comes to us,
And we are rash.


Huc camallaña ccorohuay
Chay tumiqui maquiquipin
Cai sonccoyta ccan horccohuay
Chaipac cani chaquiquipin.

Behold! thou now hast
Thy knife in thy hand,
Cut out my heart,
I am here, at thy feet.

Uillac Umu (To Piqui Chaqui).

Chaccay tticata apamuy!
Ña ricunqui chaquis caccta
Hina chaquin huc nanaccta
Unuta huaccancca. Hamuy.

Bring me that flower!
Behold that it is dry.
Yet though it be dry
It shall drop water. Behold!

[Presses it, and water flows out.


Asuan utccaytan huc caca
Unuta pharara rancca
Huaccueta pacha huaccanca
Mana ñocachu pacpaca
Ccoyllurta mana ricusac.

More easily might a rock
Pour forth water,
More easily might the earth weep,
Than that I should abandon
The Coyllur.

Uillac Umu.

Chay allpaman huc ruracta
Churaycuy ccañan ricunqui
Manaraccha ripucunqui
Mirauccan caru caruta
Llinpanccan chay toputapas

Sow seeds on this earth

And thou shalt see at once
They will multiply;
Increasing more and more
And exceeding the size of the field,

Hinan huchayqui puriscan
Hinan pisipanqui campas.

So will thy crime increase
Until it shall overwhelm thee.


Huc camaña huillascayqui
Pantascayta hatun Yaya29
Cunan yachay, yachay ccaya
Hucllamantan arhuihuanqui
Hatunmi arhuihuay huascca
Ranccucunaypac huatascca
Chaypas ccori caytumanta
Simpasca cay hinamanta
Simpasca(chaicca caimautan,)
Ccori hucha sipsicasca
Cusi Ccoyllurca huarmiyñan
Pay huan huat asccañan cani
Paychu cunan yahuar sani
Ñocapas paipa saphiuñan
Mamanpas yachan y ñinñan
Yucata rimaycuy sihuay
Yanapahuay pusarihuay
Cay Ccoyllurta ccohuanampac

At once thou hast shown me,
O great Father! that I have erred!
Now I know it, I know it!
Now thou hast surprised me in it,
The lasso that surrounds me is great,
I might hang myself with it.

Though it be plaited with gold,
This unequalled crime—

A golden crime will be my executioner:
If Cusi Coyllur is my wife,
I am lassoed with her,
I am now of her blood,
I am of her lineage,
As her mother knows and will declare.
Help me to speak to the Ynca,
Accompany me to him
That he may give Cusi Coyllur to me.

Calpaypas asta camampac
Piñacuctin puriy sihuay
Anchatachus usuchihuañman
Mana Ynca yahuar cactiy?
Ñaupac huiñayniyta ccatiy
Ychapas chaypi urmanman
Ccahuarichun mitcascayta
Yuparichun purisccayta
Cay champiypin ricurincca
Nanacc huaranca huarminca
Chaquinman ullpuchiscayta.

I will seek her with all my power.
Present me to him, though he is enraged,
Though he should despise me

For not being of Ynca blood,
When he beholds my youth
Perhaps that will be a defect.
He will count my faults
And examine my paces.
He can look upon my battle-axe
Which has humbled thousands,

And brought them to my feet.

Uillac Umu.

Chicallata Auqui rimay!
Cai chutquicca ancha ashuisccan
Cai ccaitu millay pitisccan
Can ttisanqui cam cururay
Sapa Yncata rimaycamuy
Sapampi llaquic phutispa
Pisillata rimarispa
Allintarac ricucamuy

Dost thou speak thus, O Auqui!
Thy shuttle is broken,
The thread is torn asunder,
The wool and card are broken.
Wouldst thou speak to the Sole Ynca?

For all your sorrow

Thou hast little to say.
Reflect well that where I am

Ñocaca maipi caspapas
Yuyasccayquin sipisccapas.

I shall always be bound
To repress thy thoughts.



Ollantay ccarim carqui
Ama ymata manchaychu
Ama chailla anchayaichu.
(Ccampac pisipan manchaichu)
Ccanmi Ccoyllur ccancha-huanqui
Ccanmi Ccoyllur(llanta)
Piqui Chaqui maypincanqui?

Ollanta! thou art a man!
Thou hast valour.
Thou hast no fear.

Coyllur, it is thee I must protect.

Piqui Chaqui, where art thou?

Piqui Chaqui.

Puñurccusani nanacctan
Tapiapacmi mosccocuni.

I have slept like a stone,
And have dreamt bad dreams.




Piqui Chaqui.

Huc atoccta30 huatasccata.

Of a fox tied up.


Ccanpunim chaycca carcanqui.

Certainly thou art the fox.

Piqui Chaqui.

[Chaycha chuñuyan senccaypas][4]
Chaycha huiñancay rincripas.

Therefore my nose scents better,
Therefore my ears grow longer.


Hacu, Ccoyllurman pusahuay.

Let us go. Take me to the Coyllur.

Piqui Chaqui.


It is still daylight.


SCENE II.Interior of the Aclla-huasi.

Enter CUSI COYLLUR weeping, and her mother the CCOYA.


Haicacmantan chica llaqui
Cusi Ccoyllur, yntic rirpun?31
Haycac-mantan chincaripun
Cusihuan samihuan huaqui?
Huccu siquicuna paraspa
Sonccollaytan sipin ccaña
Huañuy llayman huc camaña
Chica pputita ccahuaspa
Ollantaytan munarccanqui
Ña taccmi payhuan yanasca
Huarmiña canqui huatascca?
Ccantacmi aclla curccanqui
Ccosayquipac chay Auqui?

Since when hast thou been so sad,
O Cusi Coyllur! image of the sun?
Since when hast thou abandoned
All thy pleasures, all thy joy?
A deep sadness afflicts
My sorrowing heart.
I would rather face death
Than witness such misery.
Dost thou love Ollantay?
Art thou his companion?
Art thou now his wife?
Hast thou selected
This Auqui for thy husband?

[Cusitaccmi maquiquita
Huayhuarccanqui pacchaschita?]
Samaricuy asllallata.

Rest thyself a little.

Cusi Coyllur.

Ay Ccoya! Ay Mamallay!
Ymaynam mana huaccasac
Ymaynam mana sullasac
Ychay Auqui munasccallay
Ccaca tupu huayllusccallay
(Ychay ccacca)
Cai chica tuta ppunchaupi
Cai chica huarma casccaypi
Y cconccahuan y haqquehuan
Y uyayta pay ppaquihuan
Mana huaturicuhuaspa
Ay Mamallay! Ay Ccoyallay!
Ay Mamallay! Ay (Ñustallay)
Ay huayllucuscay ccosallay!
Canta ricsicunay paccha
Quillapi chay yana ppacha,
Ynti pas pacaricuspa
Ccospapurccan chiri uspha
Phuyupas tacru ninahuan
Llaquita pailla huillahuan
Accochinchay32 llocsimuspa
(Ccollurpas chasca tucuspa)

Ah my Queen! Ah my mother!

How should I not weep!
How should I not mourn!
If my beloved Auqui,
If my revered guardian,

During all these days and nights,
In this my tender age
Forgets and forsakes me.
He turns away his face
And has not asked for me.
Ah my mother! Ah my Queen!

Ah my beloved husband!
From the day that I came here
The moon has been darkened,
The sun is obscured
As if covered with ashes.
A stormy cloud appeared
To announce my sorrow,
The bright comet was darkened,

Chupata aysaricuspa
Tucuyñincu tapya carccan
Phuya yahuarta paraccan
(Hinantipas pisiparccan)
Ay Ccoyallay! Ay Mamallay!
Ay huayllucusccay ccosallay!

Its tail departed.
All things are against me,
The clouds rain blood.

Ah my Queen! Ah my mother!

Ah my beloved husband!

Enter the Ynca Pachacutec, with Attendants.


Picharicuy uyayquita
Chaquichicuy33 ñahuiquita.
Ynca yayayquim llocismun
Caiñecmanmi cutirimun.

Wash thy face,
Dry thine eyes.

The Ynca, thy father comes,
Behold him approaching. Turn to him.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Cusi Coyllur soncco ruru
Llipi churicunac ttican
Cay ccascoypa panti llican
Simiquin raurac huayruru
(Cay cuncaipac cay huaisuru)
Cay ccascoyman hanuey urpi
Cay ricraypi samaricuy
Cay ñahuiypi pascaricuy

Cusi Coyllur! Fruit of my heart!
Bright flower among my children!
Fair net around my breast!
Warm sweetness to my mouth!

Come, my dove, to my bosom!
Rest here in my arms!
Open thine eyes to me,

Ccori llica canti ucupi
Ccori (curur)
Tucuy llumpac sami ccanpin
Ñahuiypa lirpunmi canqui
Ñahuiyquipin huanqui huanqui
Tucuy Ynticc huachin champin
Llipitan llican ñahuiyqui
Quechip nayquita quichaspa
(Pichu ccaraiquita)
Simiquitari pascaspa
Pupantacmi samayñiqui
Ccanllan canqui yayayquipac
Tucuy samin causayhuanpas
Ñoccata ricuspa campas
Causay huiñay cusinaypac.

And unreel the golden thread within.

In thee I have my delight,
Thou art the apple of my eye—
Thou art to me my eye.
Here thou hast the club of the Ynca,
And with a look thou commandest it.
Who can open thy bosom

To discover thy thoughts
And secure thy content?
Thou art to thy father
The only hope of his life.
Thy presence is to me
A life-time of endless joy.

Cusi Coyllur.

Muchanin huarancca cuti

Llampu Yoyay chaquiquita
Llantuhuay churiquita
Llantuhuay (huarancca mitta)
Chincarichun tucuy phuti.

I adore thee a thousand times.

[Kneels to the Ynca.

Here, O my Father, at thy feet,

Oh show favour to thy child,

And drive off my sorrows.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Ccan chaquipi, ccan ullpuspa[5]

Thou at my feet! Thou humbled!

Manchaspan cayta rimani!
Ccahuariy yayayquin cani
Huihuayquin ccanta luluspa.[6]

I speak with astonishment!
Remember that I am thy father,
I have cherished thee with tender care.
Dost thou weep?

Cusi Coyllur.

Ccoyllurpas huaccan sullantan
Yntin llocsinimuctincca
Sullani unun purincca
Mayllarincca chay sullatan.

Coyllur will weep like the dew
That is driven away by the sun.
I bedew with water that departs,
And I will wipe away the dew.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Hamuy munacusccay, halla,
Tianicuy cay arраурі.

Come, my beautiful love,
And sit down by my side.

[She sits down at his feet.

Enter Servants.

Huarmayquicunan hamusca
Ccanta cusichicunanpacc.

The servants come
To do thy pleasure.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Yaycuy camuchucu ñiy.

Let them enter.

Enter young Indians dancing, with small drums. Music within.
They sing.


Ama piscu miccuychu
Ñustallaipa chacranta
Manan hina tucuichu
Hillucunan saranta
Panaccaymi rurunri.
Ancha cconi munispa
Ancha (ccari murirpas)
Ñucñuracmi ucunri
Llulluracmi raphinpas
Huaranccanan hilluta
Pupasccayquin ccantapas
[Cuchusaccmi silluta]

Bird, forbear to eat,
O my Tuya!
The crop of my Princess,
O my Tuya!
Do not thus rob,
O my Tuya!
The maize which is green,
O my Tuya!
The fruit is soft inside,
O my Tuya!
Though truly the rind is thick,
O my Tuya!

The leaves are tender,
O my Tuya!
Do not perch on them,
O my Tuya!

Do not be very greedy,
O my Tuya!
Or thou shalt be trapped,
O my Tuya!
Thy nails shall be cut,
O my Tuya!

[Happiscayquin ccantapas
Piscucata huatucuy
Sipisccata ccahuariy
Sonccollanta tapucuy
Phuruntatac mascariy
Hinasccatan ricunqui
Huc ruruta chapchactin
Hinatacmi ricunqui
[Hucllallapas chincacctin

And thou shalt be caught,
O my Tuya!

Seize that little bird,
O my Tuya!
Fasten him with a collar,
O my Tuya!
Make his heart beat,
O my Tuya!
Seek him out and secure him,
O my Tuya!
You will see how he is treated,
O my Tuya!

When he touches a grain,
O my Tuya!
You will see how he is treated,
O my Tuya!
When one is missing,
O my Tuya!

Ynca Pachacutec.

Cusicuscay Cusi Ccoyllur
Huarmay quicunac chaupinpi
Cay mamayquipa huasimpi.

Enjoy thyself, Cusi Coyllur,
In the midst of thy maidens,
In the house of thy mother.



As ñucñuta taquipuychis
Amauta parahuicc cuna
(Munacusccai sicllaicuna)

Sing with more sweetness,
Loveable nymphs,

Tap-yatan taquin cay cuna
Ccancunari chay ripuychis.

Depart, you that have sung of misfortune;
Let us have other music.

[Music within.


Yscay munaracuc urpi35
(Yscay munacusccai)
Llaquin, phutin, anchin, huaccan
Accoy raquis aucca ttacan
(Yscainintas ccasa pacan)
Huc chaqui mullpa curcupi
Hucñin cacsi chincachisca
Huayllucuscan Pitullanta
Huc socyapi sapalanta
Ccampanmanascca llaquiscca
(Mana haicac cachariscca)
Huacacc urpitacmi llaquin
Pitullanta ccahuarispa
Huañuscataña tarispa
Cay simipi paypac taquin
Maymi Urpi chay ñahuiqui
Chay ccasccoyqui munay munay
Chay sonccoyqui ñucñucunay
Chay achan ccanay simiqui?
Chay (llampu huatuc)
Chicachicuc cac urpiri
Ccacca ccaccapi musphaspa

Two loving turtle doves

Are sad, mourn, sigh, and weep.
Both were buried in the snow.

And a tree without verdure was their hard resting-place.
One lost her companion
And set out to seek her.
She found her in a stony place,
But she was dead.
And sadly she began to sing,
My dove! where are thine eyes,
And where thy loving breast?
Where thy virtuous heart
That I loved so tenderly?
Where, my dove! are thy sweet lips
That divined my sorrows?
I shall suffer a thousand woes,
Now my joys are ended.
And the unhappy dove
Wandered from sorrow to sorrow.
Nothing consoled her

Huequenhuan ccaparcac chaspa
Quiccaman ñatac puririn
Hininantta tapucuspa
Yanallay maypitac canqui
Ñispan mitcan ranqui ranqui
Ñispan huañun ullpuycuspa.

Or calmed her grief.
When the morning dawned
In the pure blue of heaven
Her body reeled and fell,

And in dying she drew
A sigh all full of love.

Cusi Coyllur.

Chicantan ñin chay yarahui!
Chicallataña taquihuay
[Sapaytaña haqquehuaychis]
Llocllarichuña cay ñahui.

This yarahui36 speaks truly.
Enough of music,
Torrents of tears,
Overflow mine eyes.



Enter the Ynca Pachacutec, Ollanta and Rumi-Ñahui.g The Ynca sits on his tiana.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Cunan ppunchaumi Auqui cuna
Ancha chariocc rimananchis
(Ccan cunahuan)
Ñan chirau chayamuanchis37
Llocisnanñan llapa runa
Colla-sayun mascamuna.
Ñan Chayanta camaricun

Hail, O Auquis!
I declare the time has come

For the army to prepare
For the road
To Colla-suyu.

Chayanta is prepared

Ñocanchishuan llocsinampac
[Callpancuta tupunanpacc]
Llapa llancus tacuricun
Huachincuta thuparicun.

To join with us.
Our strength is immense.
Let the arms be ready
And the arrows sharpened.


Ymatas, Ynca, tacyanaca
Chay llaclla runacunaca
Chay (haucca)
Cuzcohuanmi orco caicca
Paycunapaca sayancca
Ñan pusac chunca huaranca
Huallahuisa suyuscanña
Huancaniypa tocyananta
Pututuypa huaccananta
Ñan macana tuprasccaña
Champipas camarisccaña.
Champipas (ñan acllasccaña)

How, O Ynca, are these cowards
To be maintained by us?

Cuzco and its mountains
Will rise against them;
As well as eighty thousand men
Who wait, and are ready
At the sound of the drum,
And at the blowing of the trumpet.
As for me my axe is sharp
And my club is chosen.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Tucuytarac huacyay cunay
Huillanquichisrac pactapas
Cumuycunman huaquillanpas
Yahuarñincun ancha cuyay.

Still I will give my orders
That all shall assemble,
For there may be many
Who love their blood too well.


Ancha phiñas huñucuncu
Yuncacunata huacyaspa

To order and oblige
The Yuncas to work

Ñancunatari pascaspa
Ccaramantas uncu cuncu
Hinan manchayñinta pacan
Chay pisi soncco Chayanta
Mana chaquic chayamanta
Ñanta pascascca munascan
Ñan accoya camariscca
Llamanchispas chacnanapac.
Acco punin ticranapac
Ñan ricranchis camarisca.

At clearing the roads
And to dress in skins:
The most valiant
In Chayanta might be ordered
To assemble. I believe
That this will show their cowardice,
Not wishing to march on foot.
Now that the beasts are ready,
We can march to battle,
For our army is ready.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Llocsiytañachu yuyanqui
Phiña amaru tincuric
Chay runacuna tacuric?
Ñaupactarac ccan huacyanqui.
Misqui simi payaynata
Ccuyanin ricuy runata
Manan yahuar hichaytachu.
Pitapas ccollochiytachu.
(Ni pita)

Dost thou think to go forth
To encounter them, as a fierce serpent,
And that thou wilt raise those people?
Thou shalt first appeal to them
With a sweet mouth,
And show them compassion,
Not shedding any blood
And destroying no one.


Ñan ñoccapas llocsisacña
Tucuy iman camariscca
Soncco llami manchariscca
(Cai sonccoimi)
Huc yuyaypin musphasccaña

I too must march.
All things are prepared,
But my heart trembles,

Maddened by one thought.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Rimariy ñiy cay llautuyta munaspapas.

Speak! I grant even my royal llautu.


Sapayquipi uyarihuay.

Hear me, alone.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Hanansuyu apu huarancca
Hanansuyu apu (huamincca)
Huasiquipi samarimuy
Rima nanchisana cacctinca
(Ñocca huacyanai captincca)
Ccaya ppunchau muyurimuy.

General of Hanan Suyu

Rest in thy house,
I will call thee to-morrow.


Ccampa simiquin ñocapac
Hunttaña huc chinlliyllapi.

Thy word is mine;
I comply on the instant.



Ñan yachanqui Ccapac Ynca
Huarmanantan yanasccayqui
Ccantan huiñay ccahuancayqui
Cay runasccayqui huamincca
(Rurarccaiqui cai)
Ccanta ccatispan callpaypas
Huaranccaman cutipurccan

Well thou knowest, Ccapac Ynca,
That I have followed thee from childhood;
I have ever sought thy welfare,
Showing my valour for thee,

To impose thy sway
Upon thousands of people.

Hampiypas umi sururccan
Hampiypas (ccampai)
Ccan raycutaccmi canipas.
Purun auccapas carccani
Tucuy ccahuac tucuy tactac
Manchaciñinmi llapi llactac
Anta champin circarcani
Maypin manapas llocllacchu
Auccayquicunac yahuarnin?
Pi pacmi mana chahuarñin
Ollantaypa sutin cacchu?
Ñocan campa chaquiquiman
Hanan-suyu llipintinta
Churasccani Yuncantinta
Yanayquipac huasiquiman
Chanca cunata canaspa
Raprancutan cuchurccani
Ñocatac cururarccani
Huanca Uillcata tactaspa.38
Maypin mana sayarircan
Ollantay ñaupac ñauрacta?
Ñocaraycu tucuy llacta
Chaquiquiman hamurircan:
Ñarac llamputa llullaspa

For thee have I sweated,

Ever have I lived to serve thee;
I have been the terror of thy enemies.
Never have I failed to fall upon them,
And to conquer their towns
As with a brazen club.
Where have I not poured out torrents
Of the blood of thine enemies?
Upon whom have I not imposed
The name of Ollanta?
I have brought to thy feet
The bright hosts of Hanan-suyu,
Thousands of Yuncash
As servants in thy house.
Conquering the Chancasi
I have made them submit.
I it was who conquered
The great Huanca Uillca,j
Placing him at thy feet.
When has not Ollanta been first?
I have added many villages
To thy dominions.
Now I have used persuasion,

Ñarac phina ccaparispa
Ña yahuarniyta hichaspa
Ñarac huañuyta tarispa
Canmi yaya, ccohuarcanqui
Ccori champita cantaccmi
Ccori chuccuta ymapacmi
Auquimanta horccohuarcanqui?
Ccampan cay ccori macana
Ccampactacmi yma ccasccaipas
Callpaypas chanincachun chaypas
Tucuytan chaypi mascana
Ñan Aputa horccohuanqui
Anti-suyu huaminccata
Pisca chunca huaranccata
Rurayquita yupahuanqui
Hinantin Anti ccatihuan
Ccanta yana ccuscallaypi
Ñoccatahuanmi churayqui
Ullpuycuspa chaquiquiman
Asllatahuan hoccarihuay
Yanayquin cani ccahuariy
Cayqui quesayquita uyariy!
(Ccatisccaiquin y conanri)

Now I have resorted to force,
Now have I poured out blood,
Now have I exposed myself to death.
Thou, my Father, hast bestowed
This mace of gold
And this golden helm.
Didst thou not raise me to be an Auqui?

From thee is this golden club,
For thee shall be my prowess
And all that my valour gains.
Thou hast raised me
To be the fortunate chief
Of Anti-suyu. From thee
I command fifty thousand
Men who obey me,
With all the Anti-suyu.
For all the services I have performed
I approach thee,
And humble myself at thy feet
That thou mayst raise me once more.
Behold I am thy servant:
And so shall I ever be

Ccoyllurniquita ccorihuay
Chay ccanchayhuan purispa
Ccan Apuyta yupaychaspa
Huiñaytacc ccanta ccahuaspa
Huañunaуpacc taquirispa.

If thou wilt grant me the Coyllur.
Marching with that light
I shall worship thee as Lord,
And for ever shall I praise thee
Until the day of death.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Ollantay ccan runan canqui
Hinallapitacc quepariy
Pin casccayquita ccahuariy
Ancha huichaytan ccahuanqui.

Ollanta, thou art a man.
Remain as thou art.
Remember what thou hast been.
Thou lookest too high.


Huc camallaña sipihuay.

Take my life at once.

Ynca Pachacutec.

Ñoccan chaitacca ricunay
Manan ccampa acllanayquichu
[Ñihuay Yuyayñiquipichu39a
Carccanqui? utccay ripullay.]

It is for me to see to that,
It is not for thee to choose.
Dost thou know thyself?
Go forth from my presence.



Ah Ollantay! Ollantay!
Chainatachu hurccusunqui
Llipi llactac cañiquiman
Chai chica yanasccayquiman
Ah! Cusi Ccoyllur huarmillay
Cunanmi chincharichiqui
Ñan ñoca pisipachiqui

Ah Ollanta! Ollanta!39b
Thus art thou answered
Thou who hast conquered.
Thou who hast served so well.
Ah! Cusi Coyllur, my wife!
Now art thou lost for ever!
Thou art no longer for me!

Ay Ñusta! Ay Urpillay!
Ay Cuzco! Ay sumac llacta!
Cunanmanta ccayamanca
Auccan casac, casac aucca
Chay ccasccoyquita ccaracta
Lliquirccospa sonccoyquita
Cunturcunaman cconaypac
Chay aucca! Chay Yncayquita!
Huñu huñu huaranccata
Anticunata40 llullaspa
Suyuycunata tocllaspa
Pusamusac pullccancata
Sacsahuamanpin41 ricunqui
Rimayta phuyuta hina
Yahuarpin chaypi puñunqui
Chaquiypin cancca Yncayqui
Chaypachan paypas ricuncca
Pisinchus ñocapac Yunca
Puchunccachus chay cuncayqui
Manapunin ccoyquimanchu
Ñihuanracc chay ususinta?
Pascarinracc chay siminta
Manan ccampacca canmanchu
Ñispa uticuy phinascca
Cconcor sayaspa mañactiy?

Ah Princess! Ah my dove!
O Cuzco! beautiful city!
From henceforth
I will be thy enemy! thy enemy!
I will break thy bosom without mercy,
I will tear out thy heart.
I will give thee to the condors!
That enemy! That Ynca!
Millions of thousands
Of Antis40 will I collect.
I will distribute arms,
I will guide them to the spot.
Thou shalt see the Sacsahuaman41
As a speaking cloud.
Thou shalt sleep in blood.
Thou, O Ynca! shalt be at my feet,
Then shalt thou see
If I have few Yuncas.
If thy neck cannot be reached.
Wilt thou not give
Thy daughter to me?
Wilt thou loosen that mouth?
Art thou then so mad
That thou canst not speak,
Even when I am on my knee?

Yncan paypas ñoca cacctiy
Tucuimi chaicca yachasca
Cunancca cayllaña cachun.

But I shall then be Ynca!
Then thou shalt know,
And this shall soon happen.

Enter Piqui Chaqui.


Piqui Chaqi puriy riy
Cusi Coyllur ñiyta niy
Cunan tuta suyahuachun.

Go, Piqui Chaqui,
Say to Cusi Coyllur
This night I await her.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ñacca rini, chisi rini
Cusi Coyllurpa huasinta
Tarini tucuyta chuita
Tucuytañan tapurini
Manan allcollapas canchu
Manan (misi)42
Tucuy puncun huascarcosca43
Manañan pipas tianchu.

Yesterday, late, I went
To the house of Cusi Coyllur;
I asked and no one answered—
There was not even a dog to be seen,
I could not find her—

All the doors were closed,
Nothing was to be seen.



And her servants?

Piqui Chaqui.

Hucuchapas ayquepuscan
Manan micuyta tarispa
Tucu llañan sayarispa
Huc huacayta taquicuscan

Even the rats had gone,
Finding nothing to eat;
The owls only remained,
With their doleful music.


Yayanchari pusacapun
Hatun huasinman pacarcoc.

Perhaps her father has taken her,
To hide her in the palace.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ychapas payta huarcorcoc
Mamantinmi pay chincapun.

Who knows if he has hanged her,
And has abandoned her to the mother.


Mamachu pi ñocamanta
Tapuricun ccaynamanta.

No one had asked
For me yesterday?

Piqui Chaqui.

Huarancca runallan ccanta
Mascasunqui chaupichantin.

About a thousand men
Seek to secure thee.


Tucuy suyu hatarichun
Tucuytan ttactanca maquiy
Cay maccanan maquiy chaquiy
Tucuytan champiycca ychun.

Then I will raise my province.
My hand shall destroy all.
My hands and feet are my macana.k
My club shall deal havoc.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ñocapas chay runataca
Haytaymanmi ccarataca

I too must trample
Upon this man.


Pi runata?

What man?

Piqui Chaqui.

Chay Urco-huaranccata ñini
Payllan canmanta tapucun.

I say that Urco-huarancca
He only has asked for thee.l


Yncas icha mascachihuan
Ñispan phiñacuscarcani.

Perhaps it is to say that the Ynca
Seeks me in his fury.

Piqui Chaqui.

Urco-huarancca, manan Yncachu
Runallan chayni millacuy.

Urco-huarancca, not the Ynca.
I abominate that little man.


Chincarinñan Cuzcomanta
Cay sonccoymi huatupacun
Chay tucu chaytan huillacun
[Ñac ripusun caymanta].

That he has fled from Cuzco
My heart tells me,
And the owl declares it.
I will go with him.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ccoyllurtari saquesunchu.

We will leave the Coyllur.


Ymanasactac chincaptin!
Ay Ccoyllur! Ay Urpillay!

How can I bear to lose her!
Ah Coyllur! Ah my dove!

Piqui Chaqui.

Chay yarahuita uyariy
Picha taquicun.

Listen to that yarahui.
Who is it that sings!

[Music is heard within.


Urpi uyhuaytan chincachicuni
Huc chimlliyllapi!
Pacta ricuhuac mascariy puni
Pacta ricuhuac (tapucui)
Chay quitillapi.
Millay munaymi sumac uyanpi
Ccoyllur sutinmi
Pacta pantahuac hucpa ccayllanpi
Ricuy sutinmi.
Quillahuan cusca [ynti] mattinpi
Nanac capchiypi
Cuscan illancu hucpa sutimpi
Ancha cusipi
Ususi chucchanri chillu cayñinpi
Misatan ahuan
Yana quelluhuan llumpac rinripi
Ricuytan racran
Quechip ñacuna munay uyampi
Cuychin paccarin

I lost a dove that I had cherished,
In one moment!
I searched for her in all parts,

Looking all round.
From the beautiful face of my love,
They call her Coyllur.
It was by reason of her beauty,
A harmonious name.
Like the moon in its splendour
Is her bright forehead,
When it shines in brilliancy
In the highest heaven.
Her sister tresses hang down,

Woven in two colours,
Black mixed with gold upon her temples,

A beautiful sight.

Her lovely eyebrows shading her face

Are like the rainbow.

Yscaymi Ynti quiquin ñahuimpi
Chaymi sayarin
Quechiprallanri ñac chascca huachin
Quechiprallanri (nacai ccahuachin)
Tucuy sipicmi
Chaypin munaypas llipipac capchin
Soncco siquicmi.
Achancaraypas sisan uyampi
Rittihuan cusca
Milluriyunacta sani utccapi
(Mitun yuracpi)
Hinan ricuscca
Sumac simimpi ccantacmi pascan
Rith piñita
Asispan ccapan misqui samasccan
Tucy quitita
(Tutui quiti).
Llampi cuncanri quespi huayuscca
Paraccay ritin
Utcu munaymi ccasconhuan cusca
Huattan puririn

Her eyes are like two suns
Fixed in her face.
Her penetrating glances

Cause joy or sorrow;
And though she is beloved and adored
The heart is wounded.
The Achancaray blooms on her cheek44
Like snow;
White as it appears upon the ground,

So it is seen.
Her beautiful mouth is a sight
Which rejoices the heart:
With the echo of her delicious laugh

A joy is spread.

Her graceful throat is like crystal,
Or driven snow;
Her bosom increases from year to year,
As growing cotton;

Qqueque maquinri llullu caymanpi
Rucanancuna ttacca cuyñinpi
Rucanancuna (pascacuiñinpi)
Chulluncuy cutin.

Her fingers are like icicles:
As I gazed,
And as she moved them

They gave me joy.


Ay Cusi Coyllur!
Ricsirccanchus cay taquicca
Ripullachun cay llaquicca
Maytapas quita[8]
Ñocan ccanta chincachiqui
Ñocan ccanta sipichiqui

Ah, Cusi Coyllur!
I recognize that music,
For it describes her beauty;
The sorrow it brings back
Remains with me.
If I should lose thee,
I shall go mad;
If I should be deprived of thee,
I shall die.

Piqui Chaqui.

Sipin punicha Ccoyllurta
Manan tutapas canchanchu.

Perhaps they have killed Coyllur,
Now the night is dark.


Ychacca ricsinccan Ynca
Ollantaypa chusasccanta
Tucuytan tarincca aucanta
Tucuytacmi saquerencca.

Perhaps the Ynca knows
That Ollanta is absent,
That all are his enemies,
And have abandoned him.

Piqui Chaqui.

Hinantinmi munasunqui
Ancha ccocucc cactiquicha
Tucuypacmi raquicunqui
Ñocallapactacmi micha.

You would want all
Because you are liberal.
To all the world you are prodigal,
But to me you are penurious.


Ymapacmi can mananqui?

What would you have?

Piqui Chaqui.

Ymapac? chacpac, caipac
Sipasman ppacha cconoypac
(Hucman ppachata)
Huc collqueita ricunapac
Chayhuan manchanampac

What! This, and this:
To bestow clothing,

To have plenty of silver,
And also to be feared.


Phiña phiña puniyani
Phiña (cai ari)
Chayhuan tucuy manchacusunqui.

Be brave and valiant.

With those you would be timid.

Piqui Chaqui.

Llachay mana chaypacchu
(Manan cai huyai)
Anchatan ñocca asini;
Anchatatacmi casini;
Qqueusuy manan ñoccapacchu.
(Lercco cai)

I have no taste for that;

For I am always laughing,
I am always idle.
Power is not for me.

Yma pututus huaccamun
Yma (pitus)
Carumantun caman hamun.

What trumpet is that

Sounding from afar?


Ñoccatachu mascahuancu
Hacu ñaupariy.

Perhaps they seek me.
Let us go.

Piqui Chaqui.

Ayquecpacca ñocan cani.

I am a fugitive.


  1. Interlined words in italics are the differences in Dr Von Tschudi's version.
  2. Von Tschudi.
  3. Barranca's correction of Von Tschudi.
  4. The passages between brackets [] are not in Von Tschudi.
  5. Ullpuycuspa.
  6. Llullucuspa.
  7. Tschudi says, in a note, that this is unintelligible to him.
  8. All this omitted by Barranca.