On the cultivation of the plants belonging to the natural order of Proteeae/Adenanthes

Adenanthes. Labill.

Flores 1-rii; in Capitulis pedunculatis, axillaribus terminalibusque. Bractea 6–12, in Involucrum imbricatæ, persistentes; præter 2 ad basin pedunculi. Petala inferne ventriculosa, inde varie libera; antico angustiore, nunc sterili. Nectaria 4, oblonga. Pericarpium 1-spermum. Frutices: foliis integric decompositisque. Flower 1-ry; in axillary and terminal peduncled Heads. Bractes 6–12, imbricated into an Involucrum, persistent; besides 2 at the base of the peduncule. Petals ventricose below, then separated; front one narrow, in some barren. Nectaries 4, oblong. Pericarpium 1-seeded. Shrubs: leaves entire and subdivided.

The name is derived from two Greek words αδην ανθοσ; on account of the glandular nectaries.


1. A. foliis simplicibus, late obcuneatis, plerisque 3-5-dentato-præmorsis, sericeis: involucro 4-6-phyllo.

A. cuneata. Labill. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 29. t. 37. Fan-leaved Adenanthes.

From the West coast of New Holland where Labillardiere discovered it. Leaves simple, broadly obcuneate, very few quite entire, the rest bitten off in 3 to 5 teeth, silky. Involucrum of 4 or 6 Bractes.


2. A. foliis simplicibus, obovatis, integerrimis, obsolete 3-nervibus, glabris: involucro 6-8-phyllo.

A. obovata. Labill. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 29. t. 87. Obovate Adenanthes.

Mr. A. Menzies discovered this species, at King George's Sound, before Labillardiere was upon the coast. Leaves simple, obovate, quite entire: nerves 3 with a few lateral ones, but none of them so strong as they appear in the figure above quoted. Involucrum of 6 or 8 Bractes. Petals besprinkled with resinous glands as in many Serrurias.


3. A. foliis 2-pinnatifidis, laciniis angustissimis, sericeis: involucro 10-12-phyllo.

A. sericea. Labill. Nov. Holl. v. 1. p. 29. f. 38. Silky Adenanthes.

This species was also discovered by Mr. A. Menzies, at King George's Sound, and is not unlike Paranomus Argenteus, its silky leaves being 2-pinnatifid with very narrow divisions. Involucrum of 10 or 12 Bractes. I believe none of these curious shrubs are in this country.