Once a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 6/An extraordinary story

See also the author's postscript, "An extraordinary story and its extraordinary sequel," concerning the correspondence the magazine received after publishing this story.

2688167Once a Week, Series 1, Volume VI — An extraordinary story
1861-1862Shirley Brooks


I am unaware of the literary value of a testimonial to the moral character of a writer, but being requested by the author of the following statement to testify to my knowledge of himself, I see no reason for declining to do so. Mr. Joseph Helsham was recommended to me when I undertook the secretarial duties of the South Street Visiting Mission, and he has been actively employed as a Visiting Missionary for nearly four years. I have never had the slightest reason to regret having engaged him, and I have many testimonials, both from clerical and lay friends, to the zeal with which he has discharged his duties. Though not an educated man, he is possessed of that shrewd sense which is more valuable than mere accomplishment, at least for such labours as those he undertakes. I have declined to read the statement itself, and have done so solely from business reasons which Mr. Helsham appreciates, and which would be without interest to others, but I desire no control over any use that may be made of this testimony to the character of Mr. Helsham.

John V. Eardling, M.A.

South Street Mission Chamber, Feb. 11, 1862.

The reason why I have thought it my duty to draw out the following statement for publication will appear upon perusal. In the ordinary course of my duty as visiting missionary I should merely have written out, from my short-hand notes, the heads of what I am about to set down, and have handed in such summary to the secretary of the Page:Once a Week Dec 1861 to June 1862.pdf/250 Page:Once a Week Dec 1861 to June 1862.pdf/251 Page:Once a Week Dec 1861 to June 1862.pdf/252 Page:Once a Week Dec 1861 to June 1862.pdf/253