One of a Thousand/Braley, Henry King

4347139One of a Thousand — Braley, Henry King

Braley, Henry King, son of Samuel T. and Mary A. Braley, was born March 17, 1850, in Rochester, Plymouth county.


Henry K. Braley.

His early education was obtained in the common schools of his native place, Rochester Academy, and Pierce Academy, Middleborough. Later, he taught school for several years and studied law with Hon. Hosea Kingman, Bridgewater, and was admitted to the Plymouth bar, October, 1873.

He began the practice of law at Fall River, December, 1873, in partnership with Nicholas Hatheway (Hatheway & Braley). This relation continued three years. In 1876 he formed a law partnership with M. G. B. Swift, which has continued to date (Braley & Swift), in Fall River.

Mr. Braley was married in Bridgewater, April 29, 1875, to Caroline W., daughter of Philander and Sarah T. Leach.

Mr. Braley was city solicitor in 1874, and mayor of Fall River, 1882 and 1883. He is one of the vice-presidents of the Children's Home, Fall River, director of Globe Yarn Mills, clerk of Border City Manufacturing Company, and trustee of Fall River Savings Bank.

He is past grand master I. O. O. F. of Massachusetts.