One of a Thousand/Wright, George Wellman

4340938One of a Thousand — Wright, George Wellman

Wright, George Wellman, son of John Stratton and Mary Russell (Wellman) Wright, was born in Boston, August 22, 1824.

Having received the usual education at private schools, he decided to adopt a mercantile life, and about 1842 entered the office of his father, then Parks, Wright & Co., in Boston, largely engaged in the domestic commission business; here he remained till 1849, when he removed to New York, and pursued the same business, as Dale & Wright, until the death of his brother, of New Orleans, whom he succeeded as purchaser of cotton for factory use and shipment, both at New Orleans and Memphis, Tenn.

He retired from active business early in life, and now enjoys his leisure in travel and care of the family estates.

Mr. Wright was married in New York City, October 12, 1858, to Georgianna, daughter of George and Anna (Traphagen) Buckham. Of this union were four children: Anna Buckham, John Stratton, George Buckham (deceased), and Florence Russell Wright.

Mr. Wright's summer residence is in Duxbury.