3832105Oregon Historical Quarterly — Volume 571956

Number 1 (March)

  • Architecture in Oregon, 1845-1895. by Marion D. Ross
  • Editorial News
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Book Reviews
  • Affliated Societies
  • News Notes
  • OHS board, staff, pubs

Number 2 (June)

  • Pioneer Botanists of the Pacific Northwest. by Erwin F. Lange
  • George Gibbs' Account of Indian Mythology in Oregon amd Washington Territories, Part II. by Ella E. Clark, editor
  • Editorial News
  • Touring Information on Oregon Area Museums
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Book Reviews
  • Affliated Societies
  • News Notes
  • OHS Board, staff, pubs

Number 3 (September)

  • The Mysterious Shoe-String Railroad. by Frederick M. DeNeffe
  • The Klamath Indians and the Treaty of 1864. by Theodore Stern
  • Reflections on the Historiography of American Entry Into World War II. by William Appleman Williams
  • Book Reviews
  • Affliated Societies
  • News Notes
  • OHS Board, staff

Number 4 (December)

  • Mostly Division "R" Days. by Harold D. Langille
  • Woodrow Wilson: The End of His First Century. by Earl Pomeroy
  • Pioneer Pastimes. by Dan E. Clark
  • Dan E. Clark: In Memoriam
  • Editorial News
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Book Reviews
  • Affiliated Societies
  • Annual Meeting
  • OHS Board, staff, pubs
  • Annual Index


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