Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 9/Number 4

THE QUARTERLY of the Oregon Hi^orical Society. VOLUMfc IX.] DECEMBER, 1908 [NUMBER 4 CONTENTS. T. W. Dai^enport—fiTuAVEUY Question in Oregon, II ... - 309-378 John Minto— From Youth to Age as an American, III - - - 374-3S7 Documents- Speech OF Senator J, Semple— On Abrogation of Treaty ok Joint Occupation _ - 388-411 PRICE : FIFTY CENTS PER NUMBER, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR Entered at the post office at Portland, Oregon, as secondrclass matter. The Oregon Histobical Society Organized December 17, 1898 FREDERICK V. HOLMAN. -President JOSEPH R. WI1.SON Vice-President F. G. YOUiNG. -Secretary CHARLES E. LADD. .Treasurer George H. Himes, Assistant Secretary. I>I RECTORS ' THE GOVERNOR OF OREGON, ex officio. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ex oSicio. Term expii-es at Annual Meeting in December, 1908, MRS. HARRIET K. McARTHUR, GEORGE H. HIMES. J Term expires at Annual Meeting in December, 1909, FREDERICK V. HOLMAN, WM. D. FENTON. Term expires at Annual Meeting in December, 1910, ARTHUR C. BOGGESS. MILTON W. SMITH. Term expires at Annual Meeting in December, 1911, MRS. MARIA L. MYRICK, CHARLES J. SCHNABEL. The Q^tarWrly is sent free to all members of the Society. The annual dues are two dollars. The fee for life membership is twenty-five dollars. Contributions to the Quarterly and. correspondence relative to historical matei ials, or pertaining to the affairs of this Society, should be addressed to Subscriptions for The Q^mi'ierly, or for the other publications of the Society, should be sent to Eugene, Oregon. Secretary. City Hall, Portland, Oregon. GEORGE H. HIMES, Assistant Secretary.

Chapters (not listed in original)