Top level portal for Class L: Education.
General education covers education periodicals, year books, official documents and directories.
Child portal: Commencement addresses
History of education covers the beginnings and development of history to the present day.
Theory and practice of education covers systems of teaching, different levels and types of education, school administration, school life and customs.
Child portal: Children's education
Child portal: Female education
Special aspects of education covers the forms, types, and social aspects of education; moral and religious education, special classes of persons and continuing education.
Child portals: Homeschooling
Educational institutions of the United States covers all schools, colleges and universities within the United States of America.
Child portal: Harvard University • University of Pennsylvania • Washington & Jefferson College
Educational institutions of America covers all schools, colleges and universities within North and South America with the exception of those in the United States of America.
Educational institutions of Europe covers all schools, colleges and universities within Europe.
Child portal: Manchester University
Educational institutions of the world covers all schools, colleges and universities outside Europe and the Americas.
College and school magazines and papers collects all school publications held on Wikisource.
Student fraternities and societies covers fraternities, sororities, and other organisations and associations of students.
- External links
- Class L on Project Gutenberg
- Call number L on the Online Books Page