Page:"Round the world." - Letters from Japan, China, India, and Egypt (IA roundworldletter00fogg 0).pdf/148

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narrow lane was devoted to cat and dog meat, where pussy and Carlo were sizzling in the frylug pans, and others with lege tied were lying on the floor, mewing and yelping moat piteonsly. While in front of one of these shops a little gir) came along with a pretty white bitten in her arma, destined for the spit. White is the favorite color with epienres in tats, hub black is generally preferred in dogs. It is but fair to the ‘‘Heathen Chinee” to say, that this diet is not considered ““firstelass.? and ig onty eaten by the poorer classes,

I called at 4 pawnbroker’s shop, and was introducod to the preprietor, a hard feesd, book-nesed olc fellow, with a corps of elerks behind bim, busy making entries in large folios. He was seatedons high bench passing judgment as to the valuc of some atticle which a poor woman with downesst eyes Wasefl-ting. Justthe sight ove may see in Loudon, Paris or New York, for hu~ man fature ip the same all the world over. One of the yencg Levrs was detailed to show me up to the top of the building. Every story wai erammed fall of packages, each neatly tied up and lapeled. Ag I stood onthe roof, from which there was & fine view of the whole city, aud of the White Cloud Hille far away to the south, I noticed that Leyi was examining closely the quality of my ccat, and with an eye to business, looking very sharply at the small diamond pin I wore. He was doubt- jess making an estimate of how much it would be prudent to advance on these arti- cles fn ease I desired to put them “up the spout,”

Fish in China are always sold alive, and are kept in large tanks of running water, from which the seller catches with a dip-nct the one selecied by the customer. ‘The gold beaters’ shops, lacquered and glassware fac~ tories, streets filled with carvers iv ivory and sandal wood, fanmeakers, jedestone shops, a blue stona like turquoise, of which most of the ornaments worn by Chinere women are taada. These and many other similar places aceupied the first day. 1 Must not omit to mention the “curiosity shops,” filled with edds and ends ef every description, smong which were a broken ~ ivory-handled knite, and » pair of spectacles of European manufacture. Looking about T noticed a small bottle that bad a familiar look, and upon eXamination I found it bore the label, “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” with an uncancelled United States revenue