Page:"Round the world." - Letters from Japan, China, India, and Egypt (IA roundworldletter00fogg 0).pdf/159

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Ane» an hour epent here which was crowded with views of the brillant color- ing and luxuriant vegetetion oply 19 be Reen near the Equator, we retain to break: faat, of whch pine-appies, bananas, mange- gteans and erar goa formed the most sgreca- dle part, This fruit was taken fresh from the trees surrounding the hotel, and 1 need not say that the flavor was delicious.

One of the sights of Singupore ia Wham~- posh’a Gardens. Mr. Whamposh {it scema strange to put thie preix fo the name ofa Chinaman) is a millionaire Crinese mer- chant, at whose offic? I called with a letter af ntreduction from our Consul. His count- ing-houge ia fitted up in first class European style, and he received me with the most flattering politeness. He is a man about fifty years old, in looks and dr ces as much a Chinamaa sa if in hia native Canton. He told me that be had been 4 resident here for uearly forty yeare, and although he haa sey- eral times returned te China on business, ho is contented to live and end his dayain Sin- gapore. Haspeaks English perfectly, and kts table ig covered with corresporder¢:> in that snd other Burepean languages. Among hie laykg and bookeepers I netice a Bengalese and a Parses, and several cthera whose dress and complexion indicate either Portu- guese or mixed Hurepean and Asistic blood. He iz evidently gratitied at my desire to sae hia famous gatdeng, and expresses a regret that he cannot be at home todo the honors. As hs writes an order, or “chap,” in Chinese, to his head servant to show me his place, Inotlee upon his fingers two mont brilliant sapphire rings. Ha ineleted upon sending nig clerk to procure for ms some Siamese coins of which I desired specimens, and I left his office with the impression that he is the most courteous and thorough bred gentleman I have thus far met in the exat. Jt is an illustration of what a Chinaman ia eapabls of, that Wampoa commenced hie career as a ship’3 compardor, or steward, and by his energy and schrewdnesa haa ac- quired great wealth and an enyiahle posi- tion for honor and probity among the highest merchants here,

Wo found his house and grounds most curious and interesting. Here everything is thoroughly Chinese in style, and in atrong contrast with the Asiatic gardena visited yosterday. Miniature tea-housee, fanciful arbors, canala apanned by fustic bridges. Little ponda stocked with gald fish, gardens within gardens, curious imi-