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(1)the adaptation of such musical work to enable its replay by a music-sounding device.

(2)the playing of such musical work to the public through such a device.

His Majesty prohibits the application of the provision of this section to musical works adapted to devices prior to the coming into force of this Act.

Section10.The author has the exclusive right to authorise others to adapt his literary, scientific, or artistic works into films for display to the public.

If the author has given a unique characteristic to a film through the arrangement of the performance form or chronologisation of the film contents, His Majesty declares that the film shall be protected as if being a literary or artistic work. But if there is no such characteristic, His Majesty declares that it shall be protected as if being a photographic work.

Adaptation of a literary, scientific, or artistic work into a film shall, His Majesty declares, be protected as if being a newly invented thing without prejudice to the rights of the author of the adapted literary, scientific, or artistic work.