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(b)if the author is employed for service or as an apprentice and produces a literary or artistic work in his capacity as such employee, His Majesty declares that the employer is the owner of the copyright, save where otherwise agreed upon, but if the literary or artistic work is an article or news sent to a journal, magazine, or similar periodical, His Majesty declares that the author has the right to prohibit the publication of such literary or artistic work in any other place than the said journal, magazine, or periodical, save where otherwise agreed upon;

(c)if the literary or artistic work in question is produced or published by or in an order from or under control of the Government, His Majesty declares that the copyright belongs to the Government, save where otherwise agreed upon.

Section13.His Majesty declares that copyright can be transferred by way of succession or other way.

The owner of the copyright over a literary or artistic work may transfer the copyright in whole or in part, as well as the benefits accruing therefrom, to another person, whether or not for the entire term of the copyright.