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Section18.The term of copyright over a film shall, His Majesty declares, last for a period of thirty years from the day of filming.

Section19.The term of copyright over a number of a journal shall, His Majesty declares, last for a period of thirty years from the day of issuance of such number.

The copyright of the author over a serial or other matter in a journal shall, His Majesty declares, be governed by section 14.

Section20.Whoever, without the consent of the copyright owner, does anything the exclusive right to do which is vested by this Act in the copyright owner, is declared by His Majesty to commit infringement of copyright. However, His Majesty declares that the following acts shall not be deemed to be infringement of copyright:

(1)fair use of a copyrighted work for the purposes of personal study, research, criticism, review, or summarisation of a journal;

(2)production or publication of a painting, drawing, engraving, or photograph of a work of sculpture or artistic craftsmanship, if such work of sculpture or artistic craftsmanship is located in a public place or public building; or production or publication of a painting,