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Section116.An application for withdrawal of a bail bond or withdrawal of security can be made when the person executing the bail bond delivers the alleged offender or accused back to the official or court.

Section117.When the alleged offender or accused absconds or attempts to abscond, the person executing the bail bond or serving as the security may ask the nearest administrative or police official to take the alleged offender or accused. If unable to ask for help from such official in good time, he shall have the power to take the alleged offender or accused himself and send the latter to the nearest administrative or police official, and such official shall have the alleged person or accused sent with dispatch to the official or court, with the travelling costs borne by him.

Section118.Once the case has reached its finality or the liability under the bail bond has ended in accordance with section 116 or for a different reason, the security shall be returned to the person who should receive it.

Section119.In the event that a bail bond provided to a court is breached, the court has the power to order enforcement of the bail bond or as it finds appropriate,