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(4)to demand the return of the child from another person who unlawfully detains him or her.

Section1540.When any person who has a child from a previous relationship marries another person, the parental power over the child is vested in the former person.

Section1541.The person exercising the parental power is the legal representative of the child.

If a child who has not yet attained majority is adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court, the person exercising the parental power shall be his or her custodian or curator, as the case may be.

Section1542.A notice given or received by the person exercising the parental power shall be deemed to be a notice given or received by the child.

Section1543.The parental power covers the administration of the property of the child, which shall be carried out with such care as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise.

Section1544.Without the consent of the child, the person exercising the parental power cannot create an obligation which the child has to perform in person.