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(7)accepting or refusing an inheritance, legacy, or gratuitous gift which is encumbered with conditions or charges;

(8)submitting a dispute to an arbitrator for an award.

Section1547.If, in any affair, the interest of the person exercising the parental power conflicts with the interest of the minor, the person exercising the parental power must obtain the permission of a court before carrying out such affair, failing which it shall be void.

Section1548.Any person may transfer property to a minor through a will or gratuitous gift with a condition that another person than the person exercising the parental power be its administrator until the minor attains majority. The administrator must be named by the transferor or, failing which, by a court, but the administration of the property must be subject to sections 60, 61, and 63 of this Code.

Section1549.Once the parental power has ended, the person exercising the parental power must promptly deliver the property administered and an inventory thereof to the child, and if there are documents relating to the administration of such property, they shall be delivered together with the inventory.