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Dated 18 August 120
Royal Gazette
Volume 18, Page 287

reckoned from the date of the author's death, then [the heir] shall acquire the rights of author in such writing, and the rights of author shall last for a period of 42 years reckoned from the date of the author's death.

Section7.Only the writings which have been printed in the Kingdom and distributed for the first time in the Kingdom can be subject to the rights of author.

Section8.When a writing is a textbook of which the composition has been funded by the Government, the rights of author in such writing rest with the Government always.

Section9.As regards a writing which has been composed or published prior to the date of coming into force of this Act:

Clause1.If the author has already died prior to the date of coming into force of this Act, the writing cannot be subject to the rights of author.

Clause2.If the author is alive still and he himself is the publisher, and if he comes and applies for the rights of author within 12 months reckoned from the date of coming into force of this Act, he shall acquire the rights of author.

Clause3.If the author is alive still but he has sold to another person the absolute right to publish such writing, the writing cannot be subject to the rights of author.

Clause4.If the author is alive still but he has allowed another person to publish [the writing] through any agreement of noncompetition between them, the author must, when wishing to apply for the rights of author, give notice to the publisher first. If the publisher gives his consent, the author can then enjoys the rights of author. If the publisher files an objection, the court shall consider the benefits which would be gained or lost in that case according to the law and custom, 
and the court shall have the power to rule if the writing should be subject to the rights of author.

Chapter 3. Of modes of
receipt and transfer of rights of author

Section10.Every writing which can be subject to the rights of author under this Act must have been printed already, and the author must bring that writing before the officer for its registration within the period of 12 months as from its publication; or if it is a writing of which the author has died prior to acquiring the rights of author, the heir must bring it before [the officer] and applies for its registration within the period of 12 months as from the date of the author's death.

Section11.After any writing has been subject to the rights of author, if the person enjoying the rights of author edits it and prints it as subsequent editions, the subsequent editions may be brought before [the officer] for registration so as to further apply for the rights of author in those editions.

Section12.The applicant for the rights of author shall file with the officer one copy of every writing which he brings before [the officer] for registration so as to apply for the right of author.

Section13.The officer shall have a register for listing each and every writing in respect of which an application for the rights of author has been made, and once any writing has been entered in the register, the applicant for the rights and the officer are required to set their hands to the register as its token, and to the book containing the copy which the applicant for the rights of author has filed with the officer shall the officer and the applicant likewise set their hands as its token.

Section14.Whoever has received a transfer of the rights of author must produce before the officer the evidence which bears a token of such transfer of the rights of author.