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Volume 79, Special Issue
Special Edition, Page 7
Royal Gazette

23 November 2505

"registrar" means a local registrar, provincial registrar, or central registrar appointed by the Minister to execute this Act;

"Minister" means the Minister in charge of the execution of this Act.

Section5.A Thai national must have a given name and a family name and may have a secondary name.

Section6.No given name or secondary name shall be identical or intended to be similar to the name of the King, the name of the Queen, or a royally conferred name, nor shall it contain an impolite word or meaning.

Section7.A recipient of a noble title, or a recipient of a noble title who has lost such noble title not by cause of recall, may use the royally conferred name according to such noble title as his given name or secondary name.

Section8.No family name—

(1)shall be identical or intended to be similar to the name of the King or the name of the Queen;

(2)shall be identical or intended to be similar to a royally conferred name, save where the royally conferred name is owned by the person himself, by his ascendant, or by his descendant;