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Volume 107, Issue 187
Special Edition, Page 14
Royal Gazette

26 September 2533

whether before or after the marriage, as well as its fruits, shall remain belonging to that spouse. All the property jointly acquired shall be divided by half, save where the court finds it appropriate to order otherwise, taking into account both spouses’ burdens in the family, burdens in the earning of living, and standing, as well as all other circumstances.

Section1499.A marriage which is void because of contravening section 1449, section 1450, or section 1458 does not cause the man or woman who has entered into it in good faith to lose the rights acquired on its account before a final judgment is given to declare it void.

A marriage which is void because of contravening section 1452 does not cause the man or woman who has entered into it in good faith to lose the rights acquired on its account before he or she knows of the cause of its voidness. But the said void marriage does not create to any spouse the right to succeed to the inheritance of the other spouse as his or her statutory heir.

As regards a marriage which is void because of contravening section 1449, section 1450, or section 1458, or contravening section 1452, if any spouse has entered into it in good faith, such spouse has the right to claim compensation, and if the void marriage causes the spouse who has entered to it in good faith to suffer impoverishment because of lacking sufficient income from property or from the work he or she used to perform before the final judgment is given or before he or she realises that his or her marriage is void, as the case may be, that spouse has the right to claim alimony also. As regards the right to claim alimony